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The Future of Education 8th Edition 2018

Schools Matter: Equity and Effective Schools in Mexico

Giovanna Valenti Nigrini


One of the main challenges in contemporary societies, especially in development countries, is how schools can reduce the negative impact of socioeconomic backgrounds in the academic performance of students. Studies that have focused on how to tackle this challenge agree on the importance of teaching and institutional management in achieving good educational results and to lessen the negative impact of socioeconomic factors of disadvantaged populations. The paper aims to show the results of a research conducted on a significant sample of public schools in Mexico on the effects of teacher´s and family commitment and institutional management on students’ educational outcomes. The analysis found that both teacher and parent involvement positively affect academic achievement. On the other hand, the variables of the direct effects of institutional management were not significant. When investigating if the institutional management and the interest of parents affect the scholastic achievements by means of elevating the educational involvement, it can be seen that the greater interest of the parents raises the teacher's involvement. The management variables, with indirect effect, are significant only when they are associated to individual benefits granted to teachers. Conclusions are based on a reflection and with a further research agenda. 

Keywords: Inequality, Socioeconomic Backgrounds, Learning Schools, Teachers Involvement,  School Management;

Publication date: 2018/06/29
ISBN: 8833590208
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