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The Future of Education 8th Edition 2018

The Off Book Project: Changing School Patterns Through Theatrical Means

Anca Colibaba; Carmen Antonita; Irina Gheorghiu; Stefan Colibaba; Ovidiu Ursa; Rodica Gardikiotis


The article focuses on the OFFBOOK project (Programme: Erasmus+/2017-1-LT01-KA201-035235), developed by partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia. The article focuses on the challenges that European school faces nowadays and outlines the strategies to meet them as proposed by the OFFBOOK project, by using new educational methods and tools related to drama performances. The OFFBOOK project targets young European students with ages ranging from 15 to 17 and creates materials in order to provide them with the knowledge and competences to combat discrimination and exploit multiculturalism as an added value. The article presents the project main objectives, activities and outcomes. The article focuses on the main method used aiming at changing school systems patterns through theatrical means. The method applied in the ”Theatrical Laboratories” will enable teachers to deconstruct existing discriminating behaviours in classrooms in a multicultural environment and develop students' transversal skills. The article examines the project’ most recent output: the guidelines, “Teachers on Performing Arts to Promote Integration at School” and highlights its methodological and pedagogical aspects.     

Keywordsstudents, multiculturalism, discrimination, drama performance.


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Publication date: 2018/06/29
ISBN: 8833590208
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