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The Future of Education 8th Edition 2018

The Problem of Creativity: What Images Do Young People Choose?

Rasa Balte - Balciuniene; Gintaras Seputis


The article is devoted to the problem of youth creativity and the perception of television and media images. Studies of Western and Russian psychologists lead to the conclusion that viewing TV does not always cause a positive effect. A high degree of negative behavioral problems in Lithuanian youth is made apparent. The influence of information created with the help of media channels on the development of the creativity in children and adolescents is discussed.  The study conducted by G. Seputis on the applicants of art colleges is reviewed, the study’s sample consisted of 80 boys and girls at the age of 18. The method of comparative analysis of drawings and TV images was used. The article presents correlation between drawings and TV images and clearly confirms the youth's response to the neutral stimulus "silence" with the reproduction of negative media images. The author invites to use educational methods aimed at developing creativity in youth.

Keywords: Human and media image communications, information, TV and youth, influence on consciousness, creativity, college applicants drawings, TV shows ratings, beauty;


Publication date: 2018/06/29
ISBN: 8833590208
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