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Innovation in Language Learning 11th Edition 2018

Sustainable E-CLIL: Adapting Texts And Designing Suitable Reading Material for CLIL Lessons Using Simple ICT Learning Aids

Emma Abbate


Object of this paper is to provide CLIL secondary education teachers with user friendly Apps and free and versatile ICT tools in order to simplify and adapt textsbooks and to design suitable, original material from raw web resources.
Textbooks represent the salient content specific input but they are often too “cognitively dense” also for native readers: the aim is to reduce learner’s cognitive overload when they deal with the text to avoid frustration and discomfort. This brief will showcase some easy techniques to increase school text accessiblity and to make text comprehension functional to content&language learning. The text book’s input plays a pivotal role in the learning process: it is a lesson activities generator and a powerful stimulus to gain comunicative and linguistic competence in a target language.
In addition we present interactive on-text- activities ideally planned for foreign pupils who have different language of instruction’s proficiency in order to enhance their reading performance, according to a student-paced adaptive learning’s vision.
Learning tools’ functions for immersive reading, subject specific vocabulary building and reading comprehension, will be introduced as scaffolding strategies aimed at making disciplinary contents “sustainable” and approachable for all learners. CLIL is an inclusive methodology for mixed skills students: it ensures  that all learners have equal access to the curriculum and fully participate in the lesson. 

Keywords: CLIL, Scaffolding, LSP, Inclusion, Language Sustainability;

Publication date: 2018/11/09
ISBN: 978-88-85813-21-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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