Media and Mass Communication College Students have great possibilities in using new trends of teaching such as Electronic teaching methods, seating arrangement and Modern technologies. With this freedom in teaching, teachers have an enormous number of techniques inside classrooms. Teachers in different branches of Media and Mass Communication College tries to discover a great number of new methods and activities all the time. One of the college teacher's crucial tasks is to compare, analyze and evaluate the methods they use in order to motivate the students and to make the learning as effective as possible. This research focuses on some techniques commonly used today and tested them. With a theoretical study of these methods, this research will present how college teachers applied them in real classrooms situations.
Students' performance or the circumstances are responsible for The failure of a class; however, there are other factors, which are usually neglected, this leads college teachers to choose what might seem as a successful method by itself but when it is applied in the wrong circumstances, it may lead to disastrous results. This represents the main problem of this paper.
This paper aims at studying the effect of the Electronic Techniques on university teaching. A review of all the methods and how they affect the college teacher and student and how the methods and techniques will apply in the class. It is based on the hypotheses that there is no constant method that the university teacher is able to use, which may lead to a successful classroom Achievement. All techniques and methods depend on several factors: the societal circumstances, the personality of the teacher and student, and the choice of the type of method.
To do this research, the following procedures will be followed:
This study is limited to the application of the electronic modern methods as well as the traditional methods took place in Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences.The subjects of the study are ten college students in the third year in Journalism branch and ten students in the fourth year in Television and Broadcasting branch of the same college.
Finally, a number of, conclusions, suggestions and recommendations for further research are made.
Keywords: Teaching; Teaching Techinques; Electronic;