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Innovation in Language Learning 11th Edition 2018

In Italia con Giacomo: Developing a Blended Learning Course in Italian Language and Culture

Gabriella Brussino


This paper describes the context, structure, contents and creation process related to a blended learning course on Italian culture, language structures and communication skills developed for beginners for the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The course is delivered through a combination of two hours in class per week and an app available online through digital fixed and portable devices for ease of access and flexibility. The in-class component focuses on oral and written production, fostering the development of individual language and communication strategies. The app component, In Italia con Giacomo, involves learners in a language adventure through a metaphor: Giacomo is an electric Vespa 2018 model, who acts as the learner’s travelling companion and learning guide. Giacomo and the learner travel together from North to South of Italy, acquiring language and culture in the process. The paper also opens the discussion to considerations in relation to assessment of blended learning courses within the confines of a very structured and limiting University course assessment system.

Keywords: Blended learning;

Publication date: 2018/11/09
ISBN: 978-88-85813-21-2
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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