The article is devoted to the problem of developing a novelty-bringing leadership mindset of directors of secondary schools. Leadership mindset empowers school directors to bring novelty in schools including science teaching. However, studies show that school directors demonstrate high level of stereotypical thinking which impedes novelty-bringing leadership in their schools. Recent study of HAI.LT institute showed that directors and deputy directors of secondary schools demonstrated high degree of stereotyped thinking. The study in 2018 included 31 directors and deputy directors of Lithuania’s secondary schools. HAI.LT institute designed “Live Living” method to change stereotypical thinking and develop novelty-bringing leadership mindset. The method was tested prior and after the leadership training program for 44 business leaders in the period from 2013 to 2015. The method included cinematology, psychotea, authentication counseling, etc. activating direct experience neural networks (responsible for novelty behavior), instead of default mode neural networks (responsible for stereotypical behavior). The study revealed that training using method “Live Living” brought changes needed for novelty-bringing leadership mindset formation. The changes were observed in business leaders’ value orientations, importance of independence of action, stimulation, conformity, responsibility and internality, influence of stereotypes. The study suggests that the method “Live Living” can be used for development of novelty-bringing leadership mindset of directors of secondary schools as a part of HR policy, programs for management development, etc. Development of leadership mindset of school directors allow them to create the school for the generation of the future.
Keywords: Leader, consciousness, authenticity, innovation, science teachers, science education: