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New Perspectives in Science Education 8th Edition 2019

Development of Creativity Using a Method of “Intuitive Aesthetics”: Results of En Plein Airs (Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018)

Rasa Balte-Balciuniene; Tatiana Kharitonova; Marina Chekmariova


The article is devoted to the problem of development of creativity of science teachers. Development of teachers’ creativity is one of the most significant challenges in success of innovating in education. There are a large number of studies on issues of teachers’ creativity development, but not enough attention is being paid to the development of methods which would help teachers to identify and step out from the stereotypes that hinder their creativity. Impact of the “Intuitive Aesthetics” method was researched in the project for Lithuanian painters. 40 well-known Lithuanian painters took part in two En Plein Airs held in Vilnius (Lithuania) in 2018. The “Intuitive Aesthetics” method included four interactions: 1) seminar on art psychology, mindfulness and embodyment; 2) practice for developing skills of reflection; 3) live painting; 4) independent painting. The article presents the results of the research showing how the “Intuitive Aesthetics” method helped to change stereotypes of creativity of painters, and it can be considered for further research as a method for development of creativity of science teachers as well as teachers in general. The method also contributes to the development of teachers’ abilities to better identify the needs of children and expectations of parents and make needed decisions in complex situations of today’s world.

Keywords: Authenticity, Creativity, Teachers, Science Education, Development of personality;


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Publication date: 2019/03/22
ISBN: 978-88-85813-56-4
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