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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

The Montessori Approach to Early Childhood Education: Benefits and Challenges of Mixed-Age Classrooms as an Essential Montessori School Feature

Ilaria Navarra


The Montessori Approach to Early Childhood Education is a growing influence throughout the world. This presentation will report on research completed in the US that assessed the similarities and differences in Montessori programming between the US and Italy in both private and public schools. The research assessed how the essential elements of the Montessori method, including mixed-age classrooms and the inclusion of children with disabilities are implemented in the US. The presentation will describe the Montessori methodology, the benefits and risks of mixed age classrooms, and the research conducted to determine similarities and differences between the Italian and American Montessori programs. In Italy Montessori Education may prove to be beneficial in the rural, isolated areas. According to the manifesto of the small schools movement of Italy, 76% of the Italian territory is at risk isolation. Apparent disadvantages, such as small or multi-age classes,may provide opportunities to solve the growing concern of schools and school districts with diminishing populations.

Keywords: Montessori, primary school, early childhood, cultural competence, mixed-age classroom;


[1] Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. Lanham: Start Publishing LLC, 2013. Print.
[2] Lillard, Paula Polk., and Jessen, Lynn Lillard. Montessori from the Start : the Child at Home from Birth to Age Three . 1st ed. New York: Schocken Books, 2003. Print.
[3] Lillard, A.S. (2005). Montessori the science behind the genius. New York, New York, Oxford University Press.
[4] Prensky, M. (2016). Education to Better Their World : Unleashing the Power of 21st-Century Kids. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
[5] Montessori, M., & Gutek, G. (2004). The Montessori method : the origins of an educational innovation : including an abridged and annotated edition of Maria Montessori’s The Montessori method . Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
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