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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

Non-Academic Self-Concept of Gifted Pupils

Dominika Hosova; Jana Duchovicova


The self-concept is of the most common areas of research in the field of gifted pupils in last thirty years. Self-concept is an important factor that largely influences the position of gifted pupil in a group. Because of that we can conclude that social self-concept is an essential part of general self-concept. The self-concept model created by Marsh and Shavelson in 1985 has hierarchic structure. The highest level of the self-concept is known as the general self-concept. It is divided into academic self-concept and non-academic self-concept. The academic self-concept consists of mathematics self-concept, verbal self-concept and general school self-concept. The non-academic self-concept is composed of emotional, social and physical components. The physical components are composed of physical ability and physical appearance.  The opposite-sex relations, same-sex relations and parent relations belong to the social component. The emotional components are honesty and emotional stability. The Self-Description Questionnaire -  short form (SDQ-II-S) was the research tool used to measure pupil ‘s self-concept. The research sample consisted of gifted pupils at secondary school. The main tasks of the school are undoubtedly the educational process as well as the versatile development of the pupil's personality are the main tasks of the school.

Keywords: self-concept, non-academic self-concept, SDQ-II-S, secondary school;


[1] Marsh, H.W., Shavelson, R. “Self-Concept: Its Multifaceted, Hierarchical Structure“, Educational Psychologist, 1985, 20(3), pp.107-123.
[2] Marsh, H.W., Ellis, L.A., Parada, R.H., Richards, G. & Huebeck, B.G. “A Short Version of the Self Description Questionnaire II: Operationalizing Criteria for Short-Form Evaluation With New Applications of Confirmatory Factor Analyses“, Psychological Assessment, 2005, 17(1), pp. 81-102.


Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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