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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

Ecosocial Literacy: Circular Economy Conceptions in Initial Teacher Training

Gema Sánchez - Emeterio; Conceição Figueira


The serious environmental degradation in which we are immersed and the speed of its rise, make necessary evolve into a new paradigm of environmental education where citizenship empowers through the acquisition of skills that allow them to make a way of life more sustainable. In this sense, the circular economy provides a key framework. The main objective of this work is to analyze what are the conceptions that have students from last year of the degree of primary education on some of the key environmental aspects of the circular economy, for, on the basis of them, prepare a proposal of scientific literacy, enabling them to acquire the necessary skills to develop ecosocial processes of teaching and learning in the classrooms of primary education. To do this, the questionnaire has been used as an information collection tool, through intentional sampling with declared data. An analytical study was done in which both numerical and non-numeric primary data have been obtained. With the data obtained, a mixed analysis, quantitative and qualitative, was carried out. The main results have shown that: 1) The lack of knowledge about key ecological aspects of the circular economy is very high among the  surveyed students. 2) Most of the respondents have loop references on the correct answers. It is concluded that effective ecosocial literacy is necessary with students who are going to perform teaching and learning processes in the early educational stages of the next generations.

Keywords: Ecosocial Literacy, Circular Economy, initial teacher Training, Primary Education. Science Didactics;

Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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