This paper intends to present the preliminary results of the research in progress called “Reflective practice about teaching practicum and beliefs about teaching”; which aim is to analyze how pre-service teachers reflect about their beliefs, theories and practices through their participation in a virtual learning community defined as a social network where students, colleagues and teachers discuss, interact and exchange experiences about their teaching practicum (Rivera & Miño, 2018). It was designed to promote pre-service teachers’ reflection in three moments proposed by Farrell (2013) and Schön (1987): in-on-for action regarding their own practice and classmates one. This praxeological project (Juliao, 2011) is being carried out with 10 pre-service teachers from the bachelor in English as a foreign language at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. To collect the data, the pre-service teachers’ responses, lessons plans and video recordings of their classes shared in the virtual learning community, and a focus group are used. Preliminary analysis of the first moment shows pre-service teachers have some difficulties identifying the method or approach used, the techniques to present grammar and vocabulary in a lesson designed by an experience teacher. Besides, when they are asked to reflect about what they would do, there is a tendency to become a communicative class into a grammatical one. With further analysis we expect to understand why, how and what they do in their practicum regarding the theory and beliefs.
Keywords: Praxeology, Reflective practice, Virtual Learning communities;