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Innovation in Language Learning 12th Edition 2019

Factors of Success in Hybrid Second Language (L2) Courses

Jorge H. Cubillos


Is hybrid second language (L2) instruction a viable option for beginner learners?  Can variations in hybrid course design affect L2 outcomes?  What aspects of hybrid instruction actually work best for beginner L2 learners?  This presentation summarizes a decade of experience with blended learning at Mid-Atlantic university in the United States, and reports on the results of program-wide student surveys on the reasons that motivated their enrollment on this type of hybrid L2 course, their opinion regarding the effectiveness of the hybrid learning environment for language learning, and their overall satisfaction with the hybrid language learning experience.  Attendees will take away practical principles of L2 hybrid course design and reflect on the strengths and shortcomings of the hybrid L2 learning environment from the students’ perspective. 

Keywords: Hybrid learning, blended learning, course design, instructional effectiveness, learning experience;


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Publication date: 2019/11/15
ISBN: 978-88-85813-80-9
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