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Innovation in Language Learning 12th Edition 2019

Preventing Plagiarism through E-Learning: Can’t Say you Didn’t Know

Roisin Dewart; Emily Rosales


There has been some debate as to whether plagiarism is best dealt through the use of harsh penalties or by better informing students of what plagiarism is and how to best avoid it. This presentation suggests an integrated approach to ensure that students are better informed about plagiarism while keeping the unique concerns of language learners front and centre.  An asynchronous online plagiarism awareness tutorial, intended specifically for students enrolled in English as a Second Language courses in a French-speaking university, was implemented using the existing university learning management system. The tutorial sought to ensure that information on plagiarism reached all students and that students processed this information.  When compared with previous sessions, rates of plagiarism cases were drastically reduced. The authors conclude that the use of an integrated tool in an asynchronous learning environment targeting the issues of second language students and requiring students to review this information was effective in raising awareness about plagiarism and encouraging academic integrity in a university setting.

Keywords: Plagiarism, academic integrity, e-learning, Moodle, university.


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Publication date: 2019/11/15
ISBN: 978-88-85813-80-9
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