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New Perspectives in Science Education 9th Edition 2020

An Interdisciplinary Scientific Education, from Relevant Social Problems such as Sexist Hate Speech

María Teresa Sánchez-Compaña; Cristina Sánchez-Cruzado; Carmen Rosa García-Ruiz


The intention of this communication is to share an experience in initial training of Secondary Education teachers, in which teachers from different areas of university knowledge participate. The training programme is organized around the design of an Integrated Project, based on Mathematics, Social Sciences and Philosophy curricula. The theme of the project focuses on a social problem which involves the dissemination of current of sexist opinion in social networks, the media and popular culture; in the form of hate speeches.
Integrated Projects are designed based on the identification of hate speeches of a sexist nature, with the aim of making the educational proposal contemplate its analysis, and the elaboration of counter-narratives that allow us to educate scientifically as an exercise towards achieving a critical and reflexive citizenship
The commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women will allow us to implement, in real educational contexts, the designed projects, as well as developing skills for educational action-research.
The subject “Teaching Innovation and Initiation to Educational Research”, is structured to train future teachers as critical curricular agents, committed to teaching science to everyone in a responsible way.

Keywords: teacher training, integrated curriculum, hate speech, sexism.

Publication date: 2020/03/20
ISBN: 978-88-85813-90-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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