In the framework of global digitalization, we are forming digital society, digital economy, and digital education [3, 9]. Nevertheless, to enable all the members of our society to become freely oriented in the digital space in a short perspective, we must begin to prepare them since the very childhood. For these purposes it is necessary to rebuild school education, paying special attention to those who provide it – schoolteachers [1]. In this paper, one option to improve the system of pre-service computer science teachers training is proposed (since computer science is the most “digital” subject). The author's method described consists in expanding the role of mobile technology [2, 7, 8] and is now being used at Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU). It is assumed that the ability to use educational mobile applications both as a learning tool (when implementing mobile learning technology [6]) and the subject of study (the ability to develop such mobile applications [5] that would be of high quality from a technical, didactic, methodological and UX design point of view, as well as to teach students to do this [4]) will help computer science teachers be better prepared for the challenges of the digital society.
Keywords: Digitalization, Pre-Service Computer Science Teachers Training, Mobile Learning, Educational Mobile Applications.