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The Future of Education 10th Edition 2020

Required Competencies of Managers for Effective Healthcare Management

Kamelia Bogdanova; Petya Trendafilova


Abstract: The dynamic external environment and the growing demands of stakeholders require a continuous improvement in the functioning of health organisations. Competition between them and the increasing cost of acquiring knowledge determines the main aspects of the strategy for the development of medical institutions. [1] The quality of healthcare is increasingly dependent on human potential, especially with regard to managers. [3] Their knowledge and skills in planning, organizing, directing and controlling resources are a key factor in the effectiveness of medical care. [6] This determines the need for an analysis and diagnostics of the competencies of management personnel, as a foundation for quality and effectiveness of medical care and every area of activity in modern society. The purpose of this work is to examine the competencies of the managers needed for effective management of healthcare as a condition of their quality. The study is based on an analysis of existing studies and scientific research sources related to the nature and development of competencies of health care managers. The results show a need for a health care managers’ competencies monitoring system. It will provide an opportunity for early warning in the presence of problems in the functioning of health structures and will help to increase the quality of medical care, which is an important prerequisite for the economic stability of the medical institution.




Education of managers, Competencies, Effectiveness, Health care management.



[1] Bogdanova, K. 2019. Main aspects of health care management, MU, Sofia, Central Medical Library, ISBN 978-619-7491-08-1, p. 112. /In Bulgarian/.

[2] Calhoun, D., V. Sinioris, J. R. Griffith. 2002. Toward an understanding of competency identification and assessment in health care management, Quality Management Health Care, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 14-38.

[3] Chaneva, G. 2015. Managerial Approaches for Effective Health Care, MU Sofia. ISBN 978-954-9318-59-3. P. 96. /In Bulgarian/.

[4] Liang, Z., P. F. Howard, S. Leggat, T. Bartram. 2018. Development and validation of health service management competencies, Journal of Health Organization and Management, Vol. 32, No 2, pp. 157-175.

[5] Slipovic, O., I. Masic. 2012. Management Knowledge and Skills Required in the Health Care System of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina Mat. Soc. Med., Jun; 24(2): 106-111.

[6] Trendafilova, P. 2008. The Need of Hospital Managers for Health Marketing Training. Between tradition and new realities. 120 years of university pedagogy. Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, S., pp. 634-638. /In Bulgarian/.


Publication date: 2020/06/19
ISBN: 978-88-85813-87-8
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