Emerging technologies offer the promise of integrating new approaches into the education environment to stimulate learning. New developments are increasing the demand and opportunity to employ new strategies rooted in an online platform. While this modality of connection with students offers immeasurable value, it also presents new challenges for more hands-on, active learning. We intend to introduce several methodologies geared towards enhancing an applied approach to online instruction. These tactics are particularly geared towards the STEM fields, where demonstrative or investigative techniques in lab activities and project-based learning may be curtailed by newly introduced transitions to a completely online classroom. While experiential learning has always been the standard of excellence in the STEM classroom, in recent years, great strides have been made towards improving remote inquiry-based techniques [1]. We will focus on presenting educational opportunities that support flexible learning while emphasizing planning of pedagogy to promote positive outcomes. We believe these strategies will foster best practices to reinforce content, reach learners in multiple modalities, and secure student success by approaching conventional content in non-traditional ways. This study will highlight preparation for lessons in the online classroom and design and incorporation of specific course and learning objectives. Curriculum will be discussed as it relates to STEM fields, focusing on transferable skills and student achievement. Supporting materials, data, and recommendations will focus on the challenges of divergent student backgrounds and preparedness as we articulate objectives and outcomes of online education.
Keywords: Online Curriculum, STEM, E-Learning, Inquiry-based.