The changes in educational models, based on training founded on skills have brought about an alteration in teaching methodoloy1 Not only is what is taught is relevant but also what can be learnt through reflexion, participatio and interaction amongst a group of equals . For this to be possible, a series of transversal skills are required, amongst which teamwork is particularly important , but which, despite its importance and use, is generally recognised to be a neglected skill in initial university training . It is used as a methodolgy but there are inadequacies which make it difficult to take full advantage of it. In this context, among the skills it is necessary to develop interpersonal skills that enable the relationship with others, respect appropriately expressed, understanding of the points of view of others, etc. . This makes essential the design and development of didactic proposals based on knowledge of the factors and capacities that facilitate the adquisition of those skills and help to improve the teamwork carried out . From this perspective, the goal is to design and implement a practical didactic proposal focused on facilitating the adquisition of interpersonal skills by university students. The experiment is developed with students of the first year in the degree of Infant Education of Jaén University and proves the importance of the proposal in achieving interpersonal skills and the contribution to the adquisition of teamwork skills, giving an active role to the student in the process of learning and teaching.
Keywords: Interpersonal skills, teamwork, training founded on skills, transversal skills, Higher Education.