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New Perspectives in Science Education 10th Edition 2021

Adaptation and Updating of an Instrument for the Curricular Didactic Analysis of STEM Teaching and Learning Units

María Teresa Sánchez Compaña; Cristina Sánchez-Cruzado; Juan Antonio Macías-García; Isabel Duarte-Tosso


We start this project from an instrument that arises because of extensive research in which didactic analysis was used as a research methodology, necessary for the evolution of STEM [1]. Didactic analysis is considered a field of research in Mathematical and Scientific Education that allows examining and understanding the phenomena of Mathematical and Scientific Education and intervening on them with certain guarantees [2][3]. Despite the unquestionable power of the instrument, we are adapting and updating it, considering the gender perspective, expanding the analysis in the evaluation systems of the teaching and learning units, and as for the format, simplifying its scheme, updating to a technological and easily accessible format. We intend to facilitate, through these modifications, the systematization and comparison of the analysis results, which it is really complicated with the current format. These enhancements are being tested by applying them to a sample of textbooks and validating them.

Keywords: didactic analysis, STEM, mathematical and scientific education.


  1. González, J. L. (2006). El análisis didáctico matemático como conjunto de medios para comprender y organizar los fenómenos de la educación matemática. X SEIEM (págs. 9-14). Huesca: Universidad de Zaragoza.
  2. Gallardo, J. & González, J. L. (2006). Assessing understanding in mathematics: steps towards an operative model. For the Learning of Mathematics, 26(2), 10-15.
  3. Gallardo, J. & González, J. L. (2013). Análisis Didáctico como método para el tratamiento de los antecedentes bibliográficos en la investigación en educación matemática. En Rico, L., Lupiañez, J. L. y Molina, M. (Eds.) Análisis didáctico en educación matemática. Metodología de investigación, formación de profesores e innovación curricular (pp. 415-432). Granada, España: Comares.

Publication date: 2021/03/19
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