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New Perspectives in Science Education 10th Edition 2021

“Si(n)Ce You Are a Driver”: A PCTO Experience about Semiconductor Physic in Italy

Mariaconcetta Canino; Laura Vivani; Francesco La Via


Electronic devices are found as enabling technology in many objects of daily use. Some show a clear usage of electronic components, such as mobile phones and PCs, whereas in many objects the reliance on electronic control is less evident. This is the case of the most recent domestic appliances, where the use of the so-called” inverter technology” allows for smarter use of electricity, and of electric cars, where the inverter is defined as the brain of the motor. The inverter is an electronic device that commutes current from continuous to alternate. Though silicon is the most common material employed in electronic device fabrication, the high power absorbed by electric cars requires inverters able to withstand high currents and voltages. The most suitable material for high power devices is silicon carbide (SiC), a semiconductor whose improvement is the aim of several research projects all over the world. «Challenge» [1] is a project funded under Horizon 2020, coordinated by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) with the cooperation of 13 European + 1 Japanese partner. The work carried out in «Challenge» can contribute to SDG9 (industry, innovation and infrastructures) and SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities) and, through innovation, it aims at promoting high-quality education (SDG4), decent work and economic growth (SDG8). Its dissemination strategy includes actions to make youngsters aware of the progress in the application of semiconductor technology. This work describes a pathway for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) carried out by two high schools in Italy. We followed an ideal route from innovation to market for power electronic devices applied in e-mobility. Two whole classes attended thematic seminars on silicon carbide physics and processing, and on the European Framework Programs for research and innovation. The practical activity dealt with science dissemination activities towards different types of public. The pupils created a video, and some apps aimed at explaining the scientific content of their pathway to their peers. Both classes showed their work in two open events, i.e, a seminar were pupils and teachers of different schools were invited (about 80 people) and the European Researchers Night in Bologna. Additionally, the pupils of one class wrote down some articles for a local newspaper and discussed the innovation of SiC inverters with a specialist from a local company producing electric cars. We observed that linking scientific issues with actual objects such as electric cars attracts attention towards an extracurricular scientific theme. At the same time communication activities can deepen the level of insight, while promoting pupils’ critical thinking about the transfer of research findings to the market.

Keywords: Semiconductor physics, silicon carbide, electric motor, PCTO, science communication.



  1. http://www.h2020challenge.eu/

Publication date: 2021/03/19
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