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New Perspectives in Science Education 10th Edition 2021

Developing Culture of Communication in Children Aged 5 - Years Using Game-Based Learning Technologies

Anton Stoykov


The article deals with the issue of developing the culture of communication in children aged 5-6 years and the role of the game-based learning technologies facilitating this process. Proposed is a game-based learning technologies model whose structure encompasses two main gaming technologies: 1) technology for developing social communication skills; 2) technology for developing personal communication skills. These two groups of skills are developed with the help of the game-based learning technologies whereas changes take place with regard to the different structural components of communication. An important task which is implemented by the main game-based learning technologies is developing communication actions in children - actions of initiative and response, as well as achieving a positive result from the communication process, positive interaction, liking and cooperation, hence, improvement of the communication culture. On the basis of a psychological-pedagogical experiment, derived and analyzed are the results from applying the model in the teaching practice at kindergarten related to facilitating the process of developing the culture of communication. Formulated are recommendations towards the purposeful pedagogical activity of the teachers related to the child’s culture of communication by including game-based learning technologies within the pedagogical interaction performed by them using its main form of implementation at kindergarten - the learning scenario.  

Keywords: culture of communication, game-based learning technologies model, gaming technologies.


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Publication date: 2021/03/19
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