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The Future of Education 11th Edition 2021

Personalising Language Learning through Technology

Stefania Ronci; Talia Sbardella


In the context of web-based education, technology can offer valuable opportunities to design flexible learning environments, which allow to tailor the learning experience to a larger variety of students with different needs and characteristics. The objective of this paper is to explore various adaptive strategies using Moodle, providing examples based on our experience in creating an Italian online language course. Firstly, the tools presented can offer students individualised learning resources, with the aim to enhance their engagement and foster their learning outcomes. Secondly, teachers can be able to discern valuable information about students that they may further employ to their benefit. With this article, we aim to provide insight regarding the dynamics of online learning and the potential of adaptive strategies in language education, outlining future developments concerning their application.

Keywords: adaptive learning, online Italian language course, Moodle.


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Publication date: 2021/07/02
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