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The Future of Education 11th Edition 2021

The Adoption of Intelligent and Virtual Teams in Online Enterpreneurship Education Courses

Li Chen; Dirk Ifenthaler


Online teams adopt information and communication technology to distributed participants, which are necessary but seldom applied in online and blended courses. With the assistant of intelligent devices or systems, instructors allocate students into groups intelligently. According to collected data from the expert knowledge, tutoring, and student, intelligent systems or platforms classify learners into teams automatedly or voluntarily. The research in the formation of an intelligent and online team is rare. Hence this research continues to deepen the formation in different platforms and disciplines. An intelligent and online team is formed on learning management systems, Zoom, or social media. Platforms provide topic-related teams and extra social media links for learners. Systems provide automatically formed teams for instructors and learners. Besides, entrepreneurship education courses, computer science courses, and language courses have different online teams. The intelligent and online team is formed in an online environment as well as a blended environment. This research collected course data from social media, Zoom, and a learning management system. Furthermore, we discussed the differences in team formation in three different disciplines with 12 courses, especially in a virtual team, communication, teamwork, taskwork, and technology.

Keywords: Formation, Virtual team, Entrepreneurship education courses, computer science course, language course.


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Publication date: 2021/07/02
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