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The Future of Education 4th Edition 2014

TUTORING: An A.R.C. Model for Future Teachers: Affective, Reflexive and Cognitive, orientation to Self-Regulated-Learning

Philippe Remy


TUTORING Between Future Teachers: Affective, Reflexive and Cognitive Resolutions a Model to Self-Regulated-Learning


With a specific look on tutoring among future teachers this paper proposes a model oriented to self-regulated learning.  The focus on different mechanisms inherent to the tutoring relations will consider Affective impacts, Reflexive and Cognitive resolutions.  ARC combination postulates that personal skills will gain and beneficial transfers into the group class will be possible.  This approach with significant model considers explicit learning as a part of tutoring relation successes.  A prospective study on a short scale provides a few indicators in this direction.  As private companies also present services in the shadow of the official educational system some recommendations will illustrate the tutoring original pedagogical relation with specific limits and potential new understanding.

Philippe REMY

Haute Ecole Paul-Henri SPAAK – Teacher Training Department

Brussels – BELGIUM

Publication date: 2014/06/13
ISBN: 978-88-6292-499-3
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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