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The Future of Education 12th Edition 2022

Education in Cyber Security. Possible Approaches to the Topic.

Nikolay Krushkov


The appraches to Cyber Security research vary from technical viewpoint through managerial perspective to security concept based approach. This disbalance is a result from the variety of the structural places of the cyber security unit within different companies and their area of activity. Another reason may be found in the way the universities apprach the cyber security matter. Sometimes the topic is in the field of the Technical Faculties, in other cases it is the Law Faculty dealing with the essence of the topic, sometimes - the Faculty of Economics or the Faculty of Management, last but not least - the Security and Public Order is the field where researchersfocus in their surveys.

The topics of the discipline Cyber Security must include the following focus:

1. Structure and functions of the in-house ‘Corporate Security‘ directorate and tasks of the "Cyber Security" department.

2. Deploying integrated corporate security system - physical and digital.

3. Intellectual property. Production and trade secrets. Know-how.

4. Specialized selection of activity-relevant key risk indicators.

5. The Role of the Internal Audit.

6. Interactive environment (platforms) in the corporate infrastructure.

7. Cyber security management

Cyber Security

Publication date: 2022/07/01
ISBN: 979-12-80225-51-1
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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