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The Future of Education 12th Edition 2022

Reducing the Ecological Footprint through Eco-Awareness: the REFE Project

Cintia Colibaba; Irina Gheorghiu; Carmen Antonita; Otilia Mironeanu; Ramona Cirsmari; Ovidiu Ursa; Stefan Colibaba


The article is a study of the REFE project - Reducing the Ecological Footprint through Eco-Awareness, funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). The main goal of the REFE project is to raise students’ awareness of the consequences of climate change, consumerism and mass production, which are deeply rooted in Romanian society. The article provides a number of insights into the objectives, methodology and main outputs of the project. It focuses on The student's workbook on ecological education, an output created within the EuroEd Foundation, one of the project partners.  The workbook encourages students to explore and understand various ecological issues, such as recycling, food waste, sustainable development, energy saving, ecological footprint, to become aware of the need to protect nature, to use the natural resources as rationally and efficiently as possible. The article explores the 14 units of the workbook developed around important ecological themes. Each unit presents useful information related to the topic as well as practical and interactive activities that help students to consolidate and systematise their knowledge with a view to developing their ecological behaviour. The material addresses both students and teachers. It provides teachers with hands-on materials meant to make students aware of environmental issues, facilitate their understanding, stimulate them to ask questions and develop proactive behaviour. The material provides opportunities for students to research and find answers and solutions that aim at sustainable development. In addtion, the testimonials collected from teachers and students from Romania give insights into their experience with the workbook.

Keywords: ecological education, reduction, recycling, awareness



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[2] Biriș, I., 2017, Situația pădurilor virgine din România, București.

[3] Lisandru, C., 2021, Nouă pași către o amprentă ecologică mai mică și impactul pe care oamenii îl au asupra naturii, https://www.gandul.ro/gandul-green/9-pasi-catre-o-amprenta-ecologica-mai-mica-si-impactul-pe-care-oamenii-il-au-asupra-naturii-19612531">https://www.gandul.ro/gandul-green/9-pasi-catre-o-amprenta-ecologica-mai-mica-si-impactul-pe-care-oamenii-il-au-asupra-naturii-19612531

Publication date: 2022/07/01
ISBN: 979-12-80225-51-1
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