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Innovation in Language Learning 15th Edition 2022

Teaching Linguistic Landscape to Future English Teachers Supported by the Moodle Application

Petra Jesenská


Teaching linguistic landscape classes is a very dynamic process because the linguistic landscape (LL) itself has a very dynamic character stemming in its nature. The LL is quite a new enormously and dynamically developing anthropocentric multidisciplinary field of linguistic science with a plethora of interdisciplinary overlaps in geosemiotics, geopolitics and history, sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, culturology and arts, multimodal cultural linguistics as well as cultural semiotics, architecture and many others. However, the having the solid foundations of systemic linguistics is crucial in the master's program of teaching and translation/interpreting of English language and culture at Matej Bel University (MBU), Faculty of Arts, Dep. of English and American Studies in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. The pandemic situation has led to a shift in teaching to the online space, even at universities looking for suitable distance learning tools. The Slovak MBU was ready for the second wave. The training took place through the MS Teams and Moodle applications. The aim of our paper is to introduce the Moodle application in teaching linguistic landscape classes focused on theoretical and research direction, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages to which the participants were exposed. However, the multidiciplinarity of the LL is a suitable springboard for teaching English as a foreign language to future English language teachers as well as supporting discipline in the education of intercultural communication and the promotion of soft skills, not to mention the cross-cutting themes of active civil society in the presentation of regional culture and history in secondary schools. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract no. APVV-18-0115 and Erasmus+ 2020-1-BE02-KA226-SCH-083039.


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Publication date: 2022/11/11
ISBN: 979-12-80225-42-9
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