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Innovation in Language Learning 15th Edition 2022

Innovation in Language and Social Communication Mechanisms

Sadiq Hassan Kadhim


Language in every society is a general system that individuals subscribe to and take it as a basis for expressing their thoughts and their understanding with each other. Accordingly, we cannot objectively study the impact of the media language on public opinion by studying the behavior of individuals as separate atoms, as if we tried to study the characteristics of water by reference to the characteristics of each of the hydrogen and oxygen that comprise it .Language is not one of the things that a particular individual or individuals make, but rather created by the nature of society and emanating from collective life, and what this life requires of expressing thoughts and exchanging ideas, and each individual of us grows up and finds in his hands a linguistic system that his society follows, He receives it spontaneously from him by way of learning and imitation, as he receives from him all other social systems, pouring his voices into his molds and imitating him in his understanding and expression.


References 1. Ahmed Alharamlah.(2015). Communication Skills. University of Hafr Al Batin.

Publication date: 2022/11/11
ISBN: 979-12-80225-42-9
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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