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New Perspectives in Science Education 12th Edition 2023

The Influence of Learning to Incorporate Instruction on Formulation of Consideration Description Under Peer Evaluation Activity on Awareness of Consideration

Shinya Yamauchi; Hiroshi Iida; Kenichi Goto; Yorikazu Nouchi


The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence of learners' awareness of consideration by practicing a junior high school science class that incorporates the instruction on formulation of consideration description under peer evaluation activity. The peer evaluation activity is a learning activity in which learners use Goto's (2013) mutual evaluation sheet to exchange opinions with others about their considerations in observations and experiments, using the evaluation criteria to conduct self-assessment and peer evaluation, and then revise and improve their consideration based on the mutual evaluation sheet that shows their score evaluation and comment evaluation [1]. The instruction on formulation of consideration description is an instruction using the "I thought (conclusion) from (results). The reason for this is that (evidence)" stereotyped sentence shown by Matsubara (1997) [2]. In a previous study on the instruction on formulation of consideration description under peer evaluation activity, it was reported that it was effective in promoting improvement of consideration description including "results (data)," and "evidence (reason)" that constitute scientific expression, but there was no report on learners' awareness of consideration (Yamauchi, Iida, Goto, 2022) [3]. Therefore, in order to achieve this objective, we conducted classes in which one group was set up to incorporate the peer evaluation activity, one group to incorporate the instruction on formulation of consideration description, and one group to incorporate the instruction on formulation of consideration description under peer evaluation activity, and administered a post-class questionnaire that asked students about their awareness of consideration. The results of the analysis comparing the responses of each group suggest that the peer evaluation activity, as a scene of consideration, enhanced the students' awareness of revising the consideration written by their friends, and the instruction on formulation of consideration description, as a content of consideration, influenced the students' awareness of describing the evidence (reason) in their consideration description.



peer evaluation activity, instruction on formulation of consideration description, awareness of consideration



[1] Kenichi Goto, "Study on the Effects of Self-evaluation in the High School Chemistry Experiment: Using the Mutual Evaluation Table", Journal of Research in Science Education, Vol.54, No.1, 2013, 13-26.

[2] Matsubara Shizuo, "A Survey Study on the Development of Scientific Expression through Personal Experiments in Secondary Chemistry Education", 1995-1998 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Research Report, 1997, 5-25.

[3] Shinya Yamauchi, Hiroshi Iida, Kenichi Goto, ”The Effect of Learning to Incorporate Instruction on Formulation of Consideration Description Under Peer Evaluation Activity on Scientific Expression” New Perspectives in Science Education, 11th Edition, 2022.


Publication date: 2023/03/17
ISBN: 979-12-80225-55-9
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