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Innovation in Language Learning 7th Edition 2014

Graphic Novels: A Bridge Between Print and Media for ELL Teaching

Stan Steiner; Claudia Peralta; Diane Boothe


Graphic novels have become one of the fastest growing print media in recent years. The popularity has early roots in Japan with the Manga series. Comic books, a precursor to graphic novels have been traced back to the late 1920s and 30s in Europe with the The Adventures of Tintin and superheroes in the USA with Superman and even earlier in Japan with Manga. In the past twenty years binding a series of comic books in the USA publishing world has brought on the insurgence of graphic novels. While there are two target audiences, adults and adolescents, more recently the popularity and demand of graphic novels has encouraged publishers to venture into graphic novels for primary grade students and across other genres of literature.

This paper will share findings from two studies using graphic novels as a teaching tool in the classroom including a study conducted with primary grade students being introduced to graphic novels for the first time (Chase, Son & Steiner, 2013). Evidence from the second study shows graphic novels had the highest check out rate out of all books in their library (Chase, Son & Steiner, 2012).

Graphic novels can be used at the university level to introduce future educators on using graphic novels as a tool to explore multi-literacies. Graphic novels help develop critical literacies for English-language learners (ELL) at all levels. Moreover, graphic novels can work as a visual support for promoting understanding of content and reinforcement of language use (Gottlieb, 2004). They may be use to validate text, and provide comprehensible input for processing language, provide multiple ways of accessing content, create meaning and to communicate ideas. This presentation will include recommended graphic novels for school-aged children, graphic novels across genres, and websites.

Publication date: 2014/11/14
ISBN: 978-88-6292-548-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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