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The Future of Education 13th Edition 2023

Cooperation in solving the “problem of the week” in a 3rd grade class

Carolina Gonzalez; Luís Mestre; Diogo Lamúria


For a quality education, work in the classroom should favor practices of cooperation, collaboration and solidarity, promoting the development of intellectual, social and moral skills in students [1]. In analogy, the present investigation aims to study the acquisition of cooperation and collaboration skills in the area of ​​Mathematics in solving the “problem of the week” in a 3rd grade class. This study was developed with a group of 25 students from a 3rd year class and had the specific objectives of (i) characterizing students' conceptions of cooperative work, (ii) identify students' cooperation and collaboration skills in “problem-solving” situations in the classroom and (iii) describe the evolution of students' cooperation and collaboration skills in “problem-solving” situations in the classroom. The methodology used was of a qualitative nature. As data collection techniques, participant observation was privileged, guided by analysis grids, designed according to the specific objectives of the study; to semi-structured interviews; to Focus Group interviews. For data processing, categorical content analysis was performed. The results obtained showed that the implementation of the checklists, as well as the reflections carried out after the sessions of solving the “problem of the week”, enhanced and improved the skills of cooperation and collaboration between students, proving to be enhancers of the learning with peers.
Cooperative learning; Problem of the Week; Self and heteroevaluation.
[1] UNESCO (2022). Reimaginar nossos futuros juntos: um novo contrato social para a educação. – Brasília: Comissão Internacional sobre os Futuros da Educação, UNESCO; Boadilla del Monte: Fundación SM.

Publication date: 2023/06/30
ISBN: 979-12-80225-59-7
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