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The Future of Education 13th Edition 2023

Digitally based education in UNWE n- educational innovations protected as IP rights

Maria Markova


The purpose of this paper is to present te achieved as a analitical and sinergic  process result "SYSTEM FOR ANALYSIS, EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT OFTHE DIGITALIZATION OF THE LEARNING PROCESS IN HIGHER SCHOOLS" under the realization of KP-06-H 45/7 entitled "DIGITALISATION OF THE LEARNING PROCESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION - IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT MODEL" funded by the The Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF). 
This educational innovation consists of 4 moduls: 
Module 1 Knowledge, skills and assurance of teachers based on a ardware device with accompanying software product and Internet connection - presence of a PC, laptop, other device for working in a digital environment (camera, microphone), ensured information, software and digital connectivity; Module 2: Knowledge, skills and assurance of students with elements: based on hardware device with accompanying software product and Internet connection - presence of a PC, laptop, other device for working in a digital environment, provided information, software and digital connectivity and knowledge and skills for working with educational platforms: MOODLE, TEAMS, BBB, ZOOM, others. 
Module 3. Knowledge, skills and provision of higher educational institutions in information and administrative service of the educational process and 
Module 4. Database for characteristics and indicators of online education in higher education institutionsq included a survey on characteristics of online learning compared to traditional face-to-face learning.
The presented educational innovation is already protected as utility model and implemented in the educational proces in UNWE succesfully with a very good feedback by teachers, students and administrative staff. 


Markova, M., „The Company Digital Competitiveness Focused on Intellectual Property Rights–Concept, Assessment and Strategy“ Economic studies, BAS, 2022, N 3
Stoyanova, Tsv., Maria Markova., Researching digitalization of the education - a case study of Bulgarian universities, Entrepreneurship_and_Sustainability_Issues, 2022, Vol10_No1, WoS, in co-authorship

Publication date: 2023/06/30
ISBN: 979-12-80225-59-7
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