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Innovation in Language Learning 7th Edition 2014

Exploring the Possibilities of Teaching English through Community Radio in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Survey on “Radio Pollikontho-99.2FM”

Kazi Mafizur Rahaman


This research attempts to find out ways of making community radio more functional to teach English language to students living in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Being a powerful media, radios, in particular, community has become a great source of learning and entertainment for the marginal people living far away from the mainstream education facilities. Keeping their acces in consideration, this community radio is playing a pivotal role to provide different educational lessons to the learners, specifically English language teaching-learning. Based on the needs on the community it can enhance the English language skills of the off track learner eho missed the opportunity of formal language lessons as well as the regular students. For this purpose, a qualitative survey has been conducted on a BRAC Community Empowerment Programme (CEP) Project, Radio Pollikontho FM 99.2FM. In this study, qualitative data collection tools such as FGD and individual interviews with the different stakeholders currently involved with this radio have been used. Also, for this survey, relevant documents, scripts, recorded programmes have been analyzed in the light of existing literatures. All the collected data have been analyzed to formulate effective recommendations for making the radio programme more effective in teaching English.

Publication date: 2014/11/14
ISBN: 978-88-6292-548-8
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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