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New Perspectives in Science Education 4th Edition 2015

The Principles of The Ecological Approach in Education and Health Care

Ruta Renigere; Ruta Bogdanova


The ecological approach in education and health care is a manifestation form of transformative education in an ecological environment that shapes and develops the criteria of the ecological consciousness of medical nurses for a transition from I – Ego to I- Eco in the processes of education and health care. The principles of the ecological approach expand professional ethics of medical nurses into a systemic perspective and on an ecosystem level. To integrate the principles of the ecological approach into nursing education and health care practices, it is of primary importance to ensure a paradygm shift – a transition from a mechanical paradygm to an ecological paradygm and from transmissive teaching and learning to transformative teaching and learning at all levels of professional education.

The code of professional ethics for medical nurses is dominated by deontology, which is a normative ethical position that judges the morality of an action based on the action’s adherence to a rule or rules, in other words, it is professional “duty” or ‘obligation” or “ rule” - based ethics. The principles of the ecological approach do not refer only to professional activities; they highlight and emphasize values – oriented lifestyle and systemic thinking in social, educational and health care environment.

The present research involved first, second and third year students of medical colleges who have also completed a course of The Ecological Approach in Patient Care. Respondents filled in a questionnaire and, on a ten-point scale, assessed the importance of the principles of the ecological approach, their observance and topicality in education and health care.


Publication date: 2015/03/21
ISBN: 978-88-6292-600-3
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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