Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

Shifting Focus to Real World Skills: Autoethnographic Study on Why Written Assignments Are Losing Relevance with Emergence of Fast Paced Natural Language Processing Tools

Anjbeen Soomro, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University (Pakistan)

Surhan Fatima Memon, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University (Pakistan)


This study is a reflection on the experiences of two young female English Language teachers at Pakistani public university with an experience of ten years. This autoethnographic study focuses on how emergence of chatGPT has brought a drastic change in their routines of formative assessments and their realization of irrelevance of giving written homework to the students and of doing the meaningless meticulous task of providing feedback to the students. Where Turnitin can easily detect the AI similarity, at the same time it gets time consuming and costly to provide similarity report to each student in the large classrooms. If writing is to preserve the knowledge and wisdom, then AI has made it easy to preserve and gather all the preserved knowledge and for that we should not burden learners with the huge assignments.  However, the analysis of this autoethnography shows that to assess the original expression and depth of thoughts of the students the experimental stage of shifting the focus towards teaching the students real-world communication skills and keeping essay assignments on hold are the need of time.






 Real world skills, written assignments, language assessment



[1] Muñoz-Alcón, A. I., Barahona-Esteban, M. N., & Trullén-Galve, F. (2023). Assessing foreign-language students’ speaking performance through a digital platform: Challenges and findings. Education Sciences, 13(10), 1039.

[2] Mao, J., Chen, B., & Liu, J. C. (2024). Generative artificial intelligence in education and its implications for assessment. TechTrends, 68(1), 1-12.


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