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New Perspectives in Science Education 8th Edition 2019

Using Video-Based Methods to Teach Rational Number to Prospective Primary School Teachers

Carmen Julve-Tiestos; Alberto Arnal-Bailera; Pablo Beltrán-Pellicer; Antonio González


The link between the pedagogical approaches based in the use of video and the didactical models to teach the rational number is a source of great concern to the teachers of our Mathematics Education Department. The TPACK framework provides the appropriate domains and tools needed for the study of this topic. We present activities based in the use of the flipped classroom pedagogical model where the videos are well adjusted to the didactical models based in measure or in quotient. Our prospective primary school teachers were asked to design videos to present different contents to their future pupils or to watch some videos before taking the corresponding lessons. The main findings are related to the difficulties, pedagogical-technical and mathematical, showed by the students on their videos. On the one hand, they use to move from one type of activity to another with not enough explanation or present too long videos. On the other hand, they present activities different from the ones they were told. We have found that this type of activity is related to the problem solving strategies and brings out conceptual misunderstandings.

Keywords: TPACK, Flipped Classroom, Rational number;


[1] Planas, N. (2006). Modelo de análisis de videos para el estudio de procesos de construcción de conocimiento matemático. Educación matemática, 18(1).
[2] Koehler, M. J.; Mishra, P. (2009) What is technological pedagogical content knowledge?Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, Charlottesville, v. 9, n. 1, 60-70.

Publication date: 2019/03/22
ISBN: 978-88-85813-56-4
Pixel - Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze (FI) - VAT IT 05118710481
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