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The Future of Education 9th Edition 2019

Project Based Learning: A Study of Using ZnO on Bacterial Species

Onur Berdici; Kerem Çoban


Key Words: Project based learning, ZnO, food hygiene, bacteria



Project-Based Learning is an instructional methodology that encourages students to learn and apply knowledge and skills via experience. The role of the teacher shifts to the students and students work more independently through the whole process. System gives opportunities to students to build 21st century skills as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and the use of technology, which will serve them well in the workplace and their later life. Learning becomes deeper and long-lasting, and inspires students a love of science even in tough subjects. This project involves an alternative preservative for food by preventing bacterial growth with ZnO photocatalyst in the presence of UV light.  In this study, all the literature survey and experimental procedure are performed by ourselves in a laboratory environment and the  project has brought new information to us in the fields of both chemistry and biology. We believe in as Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget says, “knowledge is a consequence of experience”.




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[5] Amina Amine Khodja, Tahar Sehili, Jean-François Pilichowski, Pierre Boule, Photocatalytic Stylidi M., Kondarides D., Verykios X., Pathways of Solar Light-Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Azo-Dyes in Aqueous TiO2 Suspensions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 40, p. 271-286, 2003

[6] Gökhan Baş, Investigating The Effects of Project-Based Learning on Students’ Academic Achievement and Attitudes Towards English Lesson, Investigating The Effects of Project-Based Learning on Students’ Academic Achievement and Attitudes Towards English Lesson, The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2011

[7] Amina Amine Khodja, Tahar Sehili, Jean-François Pilichowski, Pierre Boule, Photocatalytic Zimmer, Carl, Microcosm: E. coli and the new science of life, Pantheon Books, New York, 2008

[8] https://www.tandfonline.com/author/Bell%2C+Stephanie">Stephanie Bell, Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future, A journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, Vol. 83, Issue 2, 2010


Publication date: 2019/06/28
ISBN: 978-88-85813-45-8
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