The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Unsupervised Clustering Approaches for Dyslexia Screening Using Web-Based Gamified Data: A High-Silhouette Case Study

Nora Fink, AI researcher (Germany)


Dyslexia is a common learning disability with neurobiological origins, affecting over ten percent of the global population. Traditional screening and diagnosis rely on time-consuming in-person evaluations, often delaying effective interventions. Recent advances in web-based testing and machine learning suggest that alternative approaches—particularly those leveraging data-driven insights—could bolster early dyslexia detection. In this work, we focus on unsupervised learning applied to a large-scale dataset (3,644 participants on desktop, plus an additional 1,395 on tablet, each having 197 features) derived from a gamified linguistic assessment designed to gauge phonological, orthographic, and working memory capabilities. We preprocess and scale the data, then compare multiple state-of-the-art clustering methods: K-Means, DBSCAN, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), and Agglomerative Clustering. We achieve a silhouette score of 0.8463 with Agglomerative Clustering (linkage = complete, n_clusters = 2), surpassing the next-best unsupervised approach (GMM, silhouette = 0.3316). We embed thorough hyperparameter tuning procedures and discuss practical implications, benchmarking our approach against a previously published dyslexia study that focused on a different set of machine learning methods and reading-based metrics. Our findings demonstrate that certain unsupervised strategies can uncover meaningful clusters within linguistic-interaction data, potentially aiding early screening. While we emphasize these findings are not a substitute for professional evaluation, they highlight the promise of web-based, minimal-equipment, data-driven tools for dyslexia screening in multiple orthographies.
Keywords: Dyslexia, Unsupervised Learning, Agglomerative Clustering, Silhouette Score, Linguistic Assessment, Web-based Screening
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