The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Exploratory Study of English Language Teaching in Intercultural Bilingual Educational Institutions in Cañar, Ecuador (Phase 1)

José Pomavilla, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)

Paola Santamaría, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)

Mauro Villacrés, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)

Martha González, Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)


 This study analyzes and characterizes the English language teaching process in Intercultural Bilingual Educational Institutions (IEIBs) in Cañar, Ecuador. As part of the first phase of a broader research project, a qualitative approach was employed, focusing on the review of educational policies, historical backgrounds, and institutional documents related to bilingual intercultural education. This documentary analysis explores the evolution of English language instruction within the framework of the MOSEIB (Modelo del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe) and examines whether the current policies and curricula align with its principles. The study identifies key methodological and curricular challenges that may impact the inclusion of cultural and linguistic diversity in English teaching. Prior research, such as Sierra and Tibán (2019) and Taco and Torres (2022), suggests that intercultural approaches can enhance language acquisition; however, further empirical investigation is required to assess the extent of their implementation in IEIBs. The next phase of this research will incorporate interviews with teachers and students to gain a deeper understanding of pedagogical practices and their alignment with MOSEIB. This study aims to contribute to the improvement of educational quality by fostering inclusive teaching practices that integrate interculturality and equity into English language education.

Keywords: English teaching; bilingual education; MOSEIB; intercultural learning; curriculum adaptation


[1] Brown, H. D. (2020). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Pearson Education.
[2] Ministerio de Educación. (2014). Ministerial Agreement MINEDUC - MINEDUC 045-14. Retrieved from
[3] Rojas, B. M., Zárate Aliaga, E. C., & Pomahuacre Gómez, W. (2021). Multiple intelligences and English language learning in university students. Delectus, 4(1). Retrieved from
[4] Sierra, N., & Tibán, Á. (2019). Intercultural bilingual education in Ecuador: History, balance, and perspectives. Universidad Indígena Intercultural. Retrieved from
[5] Taco, O., & Torres, M. (2022). Bilingualism and its relationship with English language learning: A communicative approach from the perspective of students in Octavo Año de Educación Básica, Parallel “B”, at Unidad Educativa Monseñor Leonidas Proaño, Riobamba

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