The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

The Reality of Psychological Trauma among Children in Palestine in Light of the War on the Gaza Strip from the Point of View of Parents

Wafa.a Mohammed Ashour, Ministry of Education and Higher Education (Palestinian Territory, Occupied)

Imelda Graham, Universal Learning Systems (Ireland)


This paper addresses the reality of psychological traumas being experienced by children of Gaza, aged 5-9 years old,  from the point of view of their parents, from October 2023 to August 2024, during the current war in Palestine. Section 1 establishes the context for the study, the theoretical background, previous studies, and sets out methodologies used in the research; the difficulties and complexities of gathering the information are identified, with an example of  interview methods and ethical considerations  for children are illustrated.  In Section 2, Trauma, with its effects, signs, symptoms for children is explored with suggestions provided for recognition of trauma responses that children may exhibit.

Section 3 sets out the main results of the research, revealing the reality of the childrens experiences, overwhelmingly demonstrating that  over 87% of the children in Gaza are experiencing psychological trauma. Section 4 includes detailed analysis with findings and recommendations for immediate and longer-term actions. These recommendations should determine steps to be taken to alleviate suffering and long-term damage, by providing comprehensive support and treatment for the children.  Finally, recommendations and suggestions are proposed for ways in which educators can become trauma informed, with suggestions for methods that educators may employ to support the chi8ldren and their families.



Trauma; Young Children; Educators; supports.



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