The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Artificial Intelligence Resources in Learning Processes

Maria Erica Meneses Castañeda, Fundación Universitaria Catolica del Norte (Colombia)


The objective of the research is to analyze the incidence of the use of Artificial Intelligence resources in the learning processes of teachers in training. This research is carried out under the approach based on the critical paradigm, which seeks to understand and analyze the educational and social structures that influence this process. This paradigm focuses on examining the inequalities and dynamics that can affect the effective adoption of Artificial Intelligence in teacher education. The sample is made up of 20 teachers from higher education institutions in the department of Antioquia, Municipality of Medellín. To evaluate the impact of the use of artificial intelligence resources on the development of pedagogical skills of teachers in training, Questionnaires were applied through pretest-posttest studies. Structured questionnaires to measure the level of pedagogical skills before and after the integration of AI resources in your training. Use a Likert scale to evaluate aspects such as confidence in the use of technologies, innovation in teaching methods, and adaptability to new resources. As results, you can see the implications and dynamics that Artificial Intelligence resources generate in undergraduate students in early childhood education and how this tool becomes the main challenge of current education.
Keywords: Learning; teaching; assessment; Artificial intelligence.
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