Virtual Presentations
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Methodological Contributions in Teaching Audiovisual Subjects in Journalism Studies
Clara Sainz de Baranda And�jar, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) David L�pez Buforn, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) |
Potential and Responsibility
Rosa Pastore, Liceo Linguistico e Tecnico Economico �Marco Polo� (Italy) John Hannon, Liceo Linguistico e Tecnico Economico �Marco Polo� (Italy) |
A Location-Based Serious Game to Learn about the Culture
Dario La Guardia, Italian National Research Council (Italy) Marco Arrigo, Italian National Research Council (Italy) Onofrio Di Giuseppe, Italian National Research Council (Italy) |
A Teacher�s Diary as a Research Instrument to Determine the Integration Process of a Beginner Teacher into Daily Life at a Primary School
Adriana Wiegerov�, Tomas Bata University in Zl� (Czech Republic) Alena Lampertov�, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) |
The Digital Divide in Education and Students� Home Use of ICT
Allan Hoi Kau Yuen, The University of Hong Kong (China) Jae Park, The University of Hong Kong (China) |
The History of Biology�: Examining a Digital Game for Improving Students� Nature of Science Conceptions and Promoting Student Engagement in Biology
Isha DeCoito, York University (Canada) Maurice DiGiuseppe, University of Ontario (Canada) Jeremy Friedberg, SpongeLab Interactive (Canada) |
Learning Goals and Strategies in the Self-regulation of Learning
Martha Leticia Gaeta, Universidad Popular Aut�noma del Estado de Puebla (Mexico) |
The Future of Lifelong Learning in Europe: Example of Good Practice in Religious Instruction in Romania
Mihaela-Viorica Rusitoru, University of Strasbourg (France) |
The Conceptual Meaning of Experience in Dewey�s Educational Philosophy
Psarianos Ermolaos, University of Macedonia (Greece) |
Art Conservation Training Programs and the Acquisition of Professional Competences: Archeological Materials as Studio Case
Montserrat Lastras P�rez, Universidad Polit�cnica de Valencia (Spain) |
A New Generation of Agricultural Entrepreneurs: the Challenge of the Project V-3DAS
Maria Della Giovampaola, Serifo srl (Italy) Gerardo Perrotta, Serifo srl (Italy) Maura Striano, Serifo srl (Italy) |
Facilitating Classroom Questioning and Participation through Mobile Technologies
Thanos Hatziapostolou, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield (Greece) Theonas Chartomatzis, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield (Greece) Dimitris Dranidis, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield (Greece) |
Tangibles, Construction of Meaning and Math Problem Solving
Amparo Lotero-Botero, Alandra-investigaci�n educativa (Colombia) Edgar Andrade-Londo�o, Alandra-investigaci�n educativa (Colombia) Luis Alejandro Andrade-Lotero, Alandra-investigaci�n educativa (Colombia) |
Placement in Teacher Training. An Experience of Connection between Secondary Schools and University
Reina Ferr�ndez Berrueco, Universitat Jaume I de Castell�n (Spain) Mercedes Marqu�s Andr�s, Universitat Jaume I de Castell�n (Spain) |
Thermochromic Paints : Introducing Reactive Materials to Teach Visual Artists Electronics within a non Technical-Education Color Theory to Animate Painting and Illustrations
Paola Guimerans Sanchez, Parsons the New School for Design (USA) Paula Tavares, School of Technology Polytechnic Institute of C�vado and Ave (Portugal) |
Chat Module Guided for Moodle
Guilherme Calandrini, University of Alcal� de Henares (Spain) Alfredo Gardel, University of Alcal� de Henares (Spain) Ignacio Valderas, University of Alcal� de Henares (Spain) |
Critical Feminist Pedagogy for the Empowerment of Active Citizenship
Francesca Marone, Universit� Federico II (Italy) |
Development of New Teaching Methodologies for the Degree in Building Engineering in Spanish Universities
Teresa Gallego, Universitat Jaume I (Spain) |
Functional Knowledge policy: Analytical comparison of digital competence within Slovak and Irish national educational systems
Stanislav Javorsk�, University of Trnava (Slovakia) |
Statistic-to-Go: Elaborating Tools for Teaching and Learning Statistics in Mobile Devices
Francisco Javier Tapia Moreno, Universidad de Sonora (Mexico) H�ctor Antonio Villa Mart�nez, Universidad de Sonora (Mexico) |
Designing a WebQuest 2.0 to Create an Engaging Online Learning Experience
Smaragda S. Papadopoulou, University of Piraeus (Greece) |
Blurring the Line: An Experiment in Interdisciplinary Design Education
Laura Morthland, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (USA) K. Thomas McPeek, University of Central Florida (USA) |
Gender Differences in Geography Education Extracurricular Activities
Victor Kornilov, Astafiev State Pedagogical University (Russia) |
Design as Education Performance, Bricolage as Resistance
Maria Jos� Barbosa, Universidade do Porto (Portugal) |
M-Learning and U-Learning: Twitter in the European Higher Education Area
Esteban V�zquez Cano, Spanish National University of Distance Education (Spain) |
Learning Disabilities and its Signs. How to Identify Learners with Learning Disabilities
Zamira M�rkuri, University of Gjirokastra (Albania) Blerta Xheko, University of Gjirokastra (Albania) |
The Logical Problem of Second Language Acquisition
Artemis Dralo, University �Eqerem Cabej� (Albania) |
Ebook, an Innovative Tool towards the Teaching-Learning Process
Patricia Al�s, University of Huelva (Spain) Roc�o Lago, University of Huelva (Spain) |
Mobile Learning via Mobile Phones: Complementing the Existing Practices in Malaysian Secondary Schools
Mariam Mohamad, University of Southampton (United Kingdom) |
Equal Education Opportunity and Egalitarianism
Adediran Adekunle Amos, Federal College of Education (Nigeria) Yunisa AbdulKareem, NCCE (Nigeria) |
The Use of Edublogs in University Classroom: an Educational Experience
Roc�o Lago, University of Huelva (Spain) Patricia Al�s, University of Huelva (Spain) |
The Employability of Youth in Spain: the Mismatch Between Education and Employment
Almudena Moreno M�nguez, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) Javier S�nchez Gal�n, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) Enrique Crespo, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) |
Effective Ways for Implementing Educational Policies: Direct Effects on Societal Security
Georgeta Chirlesan, University of Pitesti (Romania) Dumitru Chirlesan, University of Pitesti (Romania) |
Using Appreciative Inquiry to Engage and Motivate Adult English Language Learners
Lukas Murphy, Columbia University (USA) Tamara Kelley, Columbia University (USA) |
E-Learning versus Traditional Curriculum
Tatjana Kovac, Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (Slovenia) |
Behaviour in Extreme Situations � What We Can Learn from Mountaineers
Claudia Erni Baumann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland) |
Literature Circles: a Paradigm Shift in Literature Pedagogy in the Second Language Classroom
Patricia Eziamaka Ezenandu, Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
Interdisciplinary Art Education in Serbia - Bridging the Gap. Case Study: University of Arts in Belgrade
Julija Matejic, University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia) |
University Rankings Based on an Evaluation of Their Core of Human Capital at Present and Future Periods: the Case of Greek Departments of Economics
Dimitrios A. Giannias, Hellenic Open University (Greece) Eleni Sfakianaki, Hellenic Open University (Greece) |
ITV-Learning: a Prototype for Construction of Learning Objects for Interactive Digital Television
Fausto Alves de Sousa Neto, Universidade Federal da Para�ba (Brazil) Ed Porto Bezerra, Universidade Federal da Para�ba (Brazil) Daniele dos Santos Ferreira Dias, Universidade Federal da Para�ba (Brazil) |
Financial Literacy vs Financial Illiteracy: a Case Study for a Region in the Northern of Portugal
Jos� Fernando Alves, School of Accountancy and Administration of Porto (Portugal) Ana Maria Bandeira, School of Accountancy and Administration of Porto (Portugal) Anabela Mesquita, School of Accountancy and Administration of Porto (Portugal) Manuel Monteiro, School of Accountancy and Administration of Porto (Portugal) |
Education and New Technologies - Case Study on the Romanian Society
Veronica Adriana Popescu, Academy of Economic Studies (Romania) Cristina Raluca Popescu, University of Bucharest (Romania) N. Gheorghe Popescu, Academy of Economic Studies (Romania) |
On-line Collaborative Learning Communities for LEARNING foreign Languages and Cultures: A Case Study in Greeks Learning Italian as a Foreign Language in Academic Setting
Ioanna T. Tyrou, University of Athens (Greece) George K. Mikros, University of Athens (Greece) |
Mobile Social Sketching
Marco Arrigo, Italian National Research Council (Italy) |
Test Development for Grade Eight Students: A Paradigm Shift from Classical Test Theory to Item Response Theory
Indrani Bhaduri, National Council of Educational Research and Training (India) |
Lifelong Learning Together: from Etwinning to Comenius Project
Paola Cascione, Liceo Ginnasio Statale �Q. Orazio Flacco� (Italy) |
Entrepreneurship Education in Times of Crisis
M�nica Pe�aherrera Le�n, University of Ja�n (Spain) Fabi�n Cobos Alvarado, University of Ja�n (Spain) |