The Future of Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Flow of People: The Contribution of Teachers in Connection with the School of Immigrants in the Receiving Country

Cybele Soares, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Cesar Scarpelli, University of São Paulo (Brazil)

Elisa Luckner, University of São Paulo (Brazil)


The emergence of new individuals in schools causes the need to review the pedagogical practice. When new individuals are immigrants is important to review the meaning of the Immigration and understand it within the context of school, believing that the institution presents the culture of the host country.

In the current context of globalization, the exchange of goods and people is increasing with more flexible boundaries that accentuated the mix in this period of social, cultural and economic integration. The flow of people showed a new reality that must be problematized within the school.

This new character, the immigrant, suggests the importance of targeting the phenomenon in an intercultural point of view to minimize the problems of integration and learning that these immigrants have had in the context of Brazilian school, especially in the city of São Paulo, the largest receipt locus of such foreign and space of our research .

Paulo Freire argued that reading the word can’t happened before the reading world,  in order to effectively integrate immigrants in the context of the classroom, where is essential to use prior knowledge and cultural background of the students". Reading the world precedes reading the word in order to promove the later reading of it, that can’t dispense the reading of that continuity. Language and reality are dynamically connected. The understanding of the text to be reached for his critical reading involves the perception of the relationship between text and context".

Immigrants come to schools loaded cultures formed in other areas, in other contexts. This culture should be valued and understood by the teacher so that he can engage students in the school dynamically and contribute to more effectiveness development of students' knowledge construction. In addition to value one must recognize and enhance the knowledge already acquired by the students so that later they become agents of their own knowledge.

The intercultural dialogue is a path with more freedom because it stimulates the exchange of experiences and consider a sensitive listening to each other. Educating , as taught in Professor Freire’s work, is a political act, so is not value-free and must profess a libertarian stance that gives students more space for dialogue and construction of knowledge, not only inside the school, but the school in relation to their family and community, as within all the prior knowledge and reading of the world that students already have. Believing that the school should be a democratic space for excellence, equal opportunities and non- discriminatory practice must be present.

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