The Future of Education

Edition 15


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Tanya Maria Geritsidou

Institution: The American College of Greece

Country: Greece

Tanya Maria Geritsidou is a psychopedagogue and psychosocial researcher with extensive teaching experience as well as experience in the development and application of educational programs, curriculum and educational materials design, school-based consultation and educational methods for all levels. She has an MA in Applied Educational Psychology and is with the American College of Greece-DEREE.

She has a deep interest in education leadership and education design. Her research is eclectic and of a bioecological/EST (Ecological Systems Theory) approach with a goal to contribute to adaptive change and overall reform (on microsystemic as well as exosystemic levels) in the way the educational system can become a pivotal and practically feasible resilience and motivating factor for student achievement, especially in times of turbulence such as the Great Recession that still hampers Greece.

Throughout her teaching and educational design, applications and research experience she has typically strived and achieved academic excellence for her students and trainees, instilling motivation, competence, excellence and leadership.

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