Introducing Gamification Elements in Professional Education
Lihnida Stojanovska-Georgievska, University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of)
Jan Cromwijk, Centraal Register Techniek (The Netherlands)
Aleksandar Krleski, University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of)
Ivana Sandeva, University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of)
The new trend of introducing gamification in education is revolutionising the engagement of students and trainees with the training process. By adding the innovative aspects of gaming into the training process, the motivation of the students is increased along with the focus and interest into the learning process. This approach is transforming traditional learning into dynamic, interactive format that facilitates deeper understanding. This is even more important when we consider the adult education and the professional upskilling or reskilling, for the purpose of responding to the labor market needs, where the learners are very specific category of already developed professionals, that may commonly also been employed. In this case, time efficiency, visual communication with the learning content and incorporating the “real life” case studies into the learning journey, is of tremendous importance.
In this paper we share our experience in developing and implementing a training aiming to upskilling of professionals in the engineering disciplines, for the subject of design and installation of PV systems in buildings. The training was developed as e-learning training through moodle-based platform, but it was enhanced with adding gamification question sets, that are enabling deepening the experience in learning and providing examples of real situations from the site, that are required to be assessed. The introduced gamification element into the training programme, have enabled more valuable learning experience for the learners, but they are also used as a tool for assessment of the learning success of the trainees. The paper presents our experience in development of the training programme, that includes the gamification elements and shares the results for the piloting process, that was conducted in the frame of the project SEEtheSkills, during March-April 2024, on a representative number of students. The conclusions are toward the identification of the benefits and challenges with introducing digital gamification tools in education and the training process.
Keywords |
gamification, training, interactive learning, upskilling, assesment |
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