The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Adult Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Beyond Commencement: A Look at the Impact of Instilling University Values into Doctoral Students

Don Finn

Regent University (United States)

Linda D. Grooms

Regent University (United States)

Classroom Management in an Online-supported Learning Environment for Adult Students – from the Students' Perspective

Duarte Nuno Farbu Pinto

Nord Universitet (Norway)

Computational Thinking for Low Qualified Adults Education: Challenges and Implementation Process

Ligita Zailskaitė-Jakštė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Lina Narbutaitė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Belén González Benito

Provincial Council of Alava (Spain)

Leire Monterrubio

Media Creativa 2020 (Spain)

Olivier Heidmann

FUTURE Learning; University of Thessaly (Greece)

Hariklia Tsalapatas

FUTURE Learning; University of Thessaly (Greece)

Exploring the Learning Experiences of Brick & Stonework Apprentices in the Republic of Ireland on the Irish Standards Based Apprenticeship Programme

Eric Bates

Technological University Dublin (Ireland)

Female Self-perception and Women's Health in Tennis Clubs in Austria: A Qualitative Study

Sarah Aldrian

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria)

How Visual Information Affects Motivation in the Context of a Driving Test Failure

Alicia Bernsland

Linköping University (Sweden)

Birgitta Thorslund

Linköping University (Sweden)

Integrating Forecast and Foresight in Fashion Education: A Methodological Framework for Futures Literacy

Arianna Mereu

Polimoda Italian Institute for the Future (Italy)

Introducing Gamification Elements in Professional Education

Lihnida Stojanovska-Georgievska

University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of)

Jan Cromwijk

Centraal Register Techniek (The Netherlands)

Aleksandar Krleski

University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of)

Ivana Sandeva

University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies (Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of)

Lessons from Disciplinary Committee: Ethics in the age of AI

Laura Major

Achva Academic College (Israel)

Micro-Credentials in Entrepreneurship Education: Fad or Future?

Chanté Botha

University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Business School (South Africa)

Rachel Tholakele Khoza

University of Johannesburg, Department of Commercial Accounting, Soweto Campus, (South Africa)

Navigating the Shift: An Applied Learning Perspective on Early Childhood Education in Nova Scotia, Canada

Michelle Doucette

Nova Scotia Community College (Canada)

Orientation in a Time of Upheaval. About a Democratic Social Order and the Connection to Learning, Knowledge, Expertise and Education

Carina Klement

University of Graz (Austria)

Speaking without Fear: Embedding VR into Academic Assessment in Politics

Matt Jones

University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)

Andrew Routledge

University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)

The Transcendence of Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education

Scott Michael Steele

Faculty of Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Anglia Ruskin University Peterborough (United Kingdom)

Unlearning: Transformative Education for Sustainable Futures

Rona Fugaban Puntawe

FuturePACE Global (Australia)

Arts in Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
‘Eye-training’ – Cultivating Visual Awareness through Analogue Drawing to Support the Future of Spatial Design and Architectural Education in a Digital Age

Judit Pusztaszeri

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

Peter Marsh

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

21st Century Higher Education Needs: Practices and Possibilities from Design Pedagogy

Aidan Rowe

University of Alberta (Canada)

AI in Heritage Education: Teaching History through Iconography

Sara Ferretti

Università degli studi di Perugia (Italy)

AI-Powered Platform for Cultural Heritage Education

Sara Ferretti

Università degli studi di Perugia (Italy)

Arts and Popular Culture as Creative Potential for Education: A Case Study on the Teaching of Graphic Design

Cristiana Serejo

Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura ID+; Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Escola Superior de Design, Barcelos (Portugal)

Blue Memories of Múceres: Exploring Rural Heritage Through Alternative Printing Techniques

Olinda Martins

ID+ Research Institute for Media and Culture, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Digital Archives and Inquiry-Based Learning: Strengthening Creativity and Autonomy for Future Learners

Takis Kayalis

Hellenic Open University (Greece)

Disrupting the Visual Hegemony of Representation: Developing a Sustainable Practice-based Curriculum in Spatial Design Education

Peter Marsh

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

Judit Pusztaszeri

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

Drawing Across Disciplines: Teaching Strategies in Higher Education

Silvina Félix

ID+ Research Institute for Design Media and Culture, School of Design, Management and Production Technologies Aveiro Norte, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Olinda Martins

ID+ Research Institute for Design Media and Culture, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Marlene Ribeiro

ID+ Research Institute for Design Media and Culture, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, School of Education (Portugal)

Learning with Comics: A Case Study in Arts and Multimedia Education

Marlene Ribeiro

ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture, Aveiro; Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, School of Education (Portugal)

Sofia Figueiredo

Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, School of Education; CI&DEI Center for Studies in Education and Innovation (Portugal)

Catarina Carneiro de Sousa

Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, School of Education; CI&DEI Center for Studies in Education and Innovation (Portugal)

Proximity: From the Classroom to the Community Space - A Creative Experience in Design

Cristiana Serejo

Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura ID+; Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Escola Superior de Design, Barcelos (Portugal)

Teaching History to Architecture Students: Bridging the Past and Built Environment

Nouha El-halas

National School of Architecture Oujda (Morocco)

Curriculum Development
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Critical Reflection on Role of Technology in Building the Future of Education

Seema Agnihotri

Amity Institute of Education; Amity University, Uttar Pradesh (India)

Applying Isomorphic Spatial Patterns to Integrate Planning and Design in Environmental Design Education

Ping Xu

University of Colorado Boulder (United States)

Enhancing Graduate Employability Skills Through Teamwork: The Impact of Placement Assessments on Professional Growth

Alison Beamish

Monash University (Australia)

Frank Interrigi

Monash University (Australia)

Merideth Guy

Monash University (Australia)

Kelly Benati

Monash University (Australia)

Jacqueline O’Toole

Monash University (Australia)

Evolving Circuit Design Education: Comparing Traditional Wiring With Digital Approaches

George Pozek

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (United States)

Alessia Tripaldelli

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (United States)

Catharine Tew

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (United States)

Brian Butka

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (United States)

Futuring Digital Education in 2040

Fabrice Serodes

EDEH, EACEA - Brussels (Belgium)

Identity Toolkit: Inclusive Strategies and Practices for Diversifying International Education

Alma Reynal-Quintanilla

Office of Global Strategy and Initiatives Emory University (United States)

Hong Li

Emory University (United States)

Integrating Survival Skills into College Education for Employment Readiness in Sindh, Pakistan

Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Khan Pathan

Government College University Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan (Pakistan)

Preparing Design Students for an Omnidimensional Future in MultiMedia

Peggy Bloomer

Central Connecticut State University (United States)

Science Education and Interdisciplinarity: Current Practices and Future Pathways

Nuno Teles

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal & Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP), University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

Tiago Ribeiro

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal & Science Education Unit, Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto (FCUP), University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

Clara Vasconcelos

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal & Science Education Unit, Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto (FCUP), University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Case Study on the Success Factors of the Catholic Metaversity Established by 12 Catholic Universities in South Korea

Bon Man Koo

The Catholic University of Korea (Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)

Dami Bang

The Catholic University of Korea (Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)

Sang Min Lee

The Catholic University of Korea (Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)

AI Agents and Students’ Motivation to Learn in Online Learning Environment

Atef Abuhmaid

The Hashemite University (Jordan)

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education - Problems and Solutions in Intellectual Property Rights

Maria Markova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Community and Collaborative Learning in Online Schools: Students’ and Teachers’ Perspectives

Alison Rodrigues

Cambridge University Press & Assessment (United Kingdom)

Martin Johnson

Cambridge University Press & Assessment (United Kingdom)

Jude Brady

Cambridge University Press & Assessment (United Kingdom)

Enhancement of Corporate and Project Environments through Business Communication Skills

Nodira Mukhitdinova

Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship under The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)

Exploring the Metaverse as a Transformative Solution for Education in South African Higher Education

Rachel Tholakele Khoza

University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Business School (South Africa)

Chanté Botha

University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Business School (South Africa)

Harnessing AI to Transform Education: A Literature Review of Recent Publications

Joseph Vancell

University of Malta (Malta)

Learning Path Analysis of Students Using Data-Driven Approaches for Personalized Learning in E-Learning Management Systems

Zeinab Mostafavi

Tehran University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Laurie Shanderson

Founder & CEO @ Accreditation Insights | Higher Education (United States)

Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance in Online Education: Correlations and Implications

Maria de Fátima Goulão

Universidade Aberta / Centro de Estudos Globais (Portugal)

The Importance of Digital Literacy for Using VR Technologies in Education

Anna Bekeeva

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

Elena Notina

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

Education and Healthcare
Title of Abstract Name Institution
BREATH A European Collaborative and Innovative Partnership to Promote Physical Activity for Patients with Chronic Respiratory Conditions

Lorenzo Martellini

Pixel (Italy)

Moving Beyond Lectures: Preparing Future-Ready Nurses Through Innovative Workshop Approaches

James Oram

Swansea University (United Kingdom)

Parent’s Mental Health Literacy

Hilal Arslan Şeker

Ministry of Education, Turkey (Turkey)

Esra Ceyhan

Anadolu University, Turkey (Turkey)

Perceptions by Gender of Workers and Personality Traits from Three Schools on Occupational Stressors

Dorin-Gheorghe Triff

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca , North University Center (Romania)

Zorica Triff

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, (Romania)

Mușata Bocoș

Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Relationships of Health Problems, Emotional Exhaustion and Self-efficacy with Work Capacity In Primary Education Workers

Dorin-Gheorghe Triff

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca , North University Center (Romania)

Zorica Triff

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Mușata Bocoș

Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

The Scientific Lifestyle in Schools and Its Impact on the Entrepreneurial Personality: A Case Study from Bahrain

Mohammed Roubi

College of Arts - University of Bahrain (Bahrain)

Unsupervised Clustering Approaches for Autism Screening: Achieving 95.31% Accuracy with a Gaussian Mixture Model

Nora Fink

Co-CEO ever-growing GmbH, Independent Researcher Dyslexia99 (Germany)

Unsupervised Clustering Approaches for Dyslexia Screening Using Web-Based Gamified Data: A High-Silhouette Case Study

Nora Fink

AI researcher (Germany)

Education and Society
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Balancing Innovation and Integrity: Strategies for Managing Student Use of Generative AI in Higher Education

Ann Marcus-Quinn

University of Limerick (Ireland)

Emer Connolly

Technological University of the Shannon (Midlands) (Ireland)

Building University Sustainable Horizons: Advancing a Greener and More Inclusive Mission in Diverse Contexts

Maria Alexandra Teodósio

Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)

Miguel Puig Cabrera

Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)

Vânia Serrão Sousa

Universidade do Algarve (Portugal)

ChatGPT’s Performance and the Use of Argumentative Structures in Romanian Educational Contexts

Roxana Rogobete

West University of Timisoara (Romania)

Ana-Maria Pop

West University of Timisoara (Romania)

Education for Sustainability: Connecting Students with Nature

Dave Cudworth

Freelance Educator and Researcher (United Kingdom)

Educators' Perspectives on Insect Conservation: Resources and Challenges in Environmental Education in Romania

Geanina Magdalena Sitar

Doctoral School “Education, Reflection, Development”, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University (Romania)

Cristian Sitar

Zoological Museum, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania;nnDepartment of Cluj, Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology (Romania)

Călin Lațiu

Department of Fundamental Sciences, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Claudia Marian

Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare (Romania)

Alina Simona Rusu

Department of Fundamental Sciences, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

European Funding Opportunities in the Field of Higher Education

Elisabetta Delle Donne

Pixel (Italy)

Exploring AI-Driven Conversations as Dynamic OER for Self-Directed Learners

Dorothy Joy Laubscher

Research Unit Self-Directed Learning, North-West University (South Africa)

How Human-AI Interactions Shape Collaborative Learning: An Activity Theory Perspective

Wenting Sun

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Jiangyue Liu

Suzhou University (China)

Interaction between Universities and Schools as a Foundation for Promoting the Evidence-based Approach for Teachers' Professional Development

Sergey Kosaretski

HSE University (Russian Federation)

Elena Ovakimyan

HSE University (Russian Federation)

Investigating the Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Job Satisfaction of Employees: Case of a Female University

Hodhodi Behzad

University of Tehran; Khatam University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Navehebrahim Abdolrahim

School of Education and Psychology, Khatam University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Motieeyan Masoomeh

Khatam University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Navigating the Past: Teacher Agency and the Challenge of Teaching Belgium’s Colonial History

Louise Dupont

University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Nostalgia and Nurture: Exploring the Frequency, Use, and Themes of Children's Literature among Arab Adults

Dalia Mostafa Abdulrahman

Faculty of Education for Early Childhood-Cairo University (Egypt)

Resisting Automation: Inclusivity, Empathy, and Culturally Sensitive Pedagogies in the Future of Education

Anna Apostolidou

Ionian Unviersity (Greece)

Alexandra Androusou

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Revolutionising Higher Education: The Role of Digital Transformation in Accounting

Tania Pretorius

Sol Plaatje University (South Africa)

Slow Pedagogies as Utopian Praxis

Peter Sands

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (United States)

Teachers’ Perspectives on Social Media: Reflections from Educational Frontline

Beata Joanna Godejord

Nord University (Norway)

Ivana Bojanic

Nord University (Norway)

The Confined Voices of Education: The Lived Experiences of Formerly Incarcerated Students at a Four-Year University and their Perception of Self & Education

Jonathan S. Elias

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (United States)

The Future of Higher Education: An Optimistic Outlook

Timothy M Cowan

Lone Star College Montgomery (United States)

Transformation of Educational Organizations Towards the Implementation of the Idea of Sustainable Development

Aleksandra Berkowicz

Institut of Public Affairs, Faclty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian Univeristy (Poland)

Translating Solidarity into Action: Creatively Enhancing the Translation Classroom

Jane Rodrigues Duarte

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal)

University-Based Prevention and Impact Research to Promote Safe and Equitable Spaces – Insights from the Uni4Equity Project

Sarah Aldrian

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria)

Marlies Wallner

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria)

Viktoria Stifter

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria)

Enhancing Student Engagement
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Belief in a Just World, Future Time Perspective, and Academic Outcomes: Predictive Relationship and Implications for Student Engagement

Mariaconcetta Nieli

University G. d'Annunzio (Italy)

Rebecca M. Chory

Frostburg State University (United States)

Simone Di Zio

University G. d'Annunzio (Italy)

Lara Fontanella

University G. d'Annunzio (Italy)

Chiara Berti

University G. d'Annunzio (Italy)

ChatGPT as a Mediating Tool in Education: Enhancing Learning Efficiency, Academic Performance, and Academic Self-Concept In Effort-Talent Focused Environments

Leah Li Echiverri

Wenzhou Kean University (China)

Shenyue Song

Wenzhou Kean University (China)

Tianchang Wang

Wenzhou Kean University (China)

Sihan Liang

Wenzhou Kean University (China)

Creativity in Education in the Era of Emerging AI

Marili Douzina

Arsakeia Schools, Hellenic Open University (Greece)

Enhancing Quality of Computer Science Bachelor Theses by Preparing Students via a Prior Research Methodology Course including AI tools

Charlotte Sennersten

Department of Computer Science, Kristianstad University (Sweden)

Kamilla Klonowska

Department of Computer Science, Kristianstad University (Sweden)

Evaluating Student Perceptions of Competency Importance and Performance in an Introductory Econometrics Course: The Role of the Flipped Classroom Approach

Magdalena Cladera

Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)

Forging a Strong Relationship between the Socratic Method and Problem-based Learning in Legal Education

Michael Laubscher

Faculty of Law, North-West University (South Africa)

Graceful Grip: A Conceptual Framework for Institutional, Communal, and Personal Accountability During Graduate School

Denise Jones

University of Michigan (United States)

Gabrielle Kubi

University of Michigan (United States)

Hilary Simpson

University of Michigan (United States)

Impact of AI and Online Tools on Student Motivation and Engagement

Mohammad Haseen Ahmed

King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)

Implementing Collaboration and International Projects to Address Global Problems

Maria Redmon

University of Central Florida (United States)

Claudia Quinteros

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (Guatemala)

Scientific Literature in STEM Teaching and Learning with Innnovative Curricular Lessons

Marina BA Minoli

Royal Society of Biology; Biologists Order Federation - STEM DidaInnovaBiolab, EU (United Kingdom)

Similar Learning Performance with Different Regulation Process in Collaborative Problem Solving Learning Activities

Wenting Sun

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Jiangyue Liu

Suzhou University (China)

Xiaoling Wang

Zhejiang Normal University (China)

Teaching and Learning Centers: Bridging the Gap Between Pedagogy and Subject Expertise

Muhammed Siraaj Khan

Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)

The Narrative-Based Learning Path - a Dynamic Learning Experience for Students and Teacher Alike

Patrick Murphy

Nord University (Norway)

The Perceived Usefulness of PPT as a Tool for Learning and Developing Self-directed Learning Skills

Claudia Marian

Cluj Napoca Technical University (Romania)

Using Challenge-based Learning Activities in Teaching Project Management

Irina-Ana Drobot

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (Romania)

Virtual Reality and Conversational Agents for Cultural Heritage Engagement

Gaia Lorenzoni

University of Genoa – DLCM (Italy)

Saverio Iacono

University of Genoa - DIBRIS (Italy)

Luca Martini

University of Genoa - DLCM (Italy)

Daniele Zolezzi

University of Genoa - DIBRIS (Italy)

Gianni Viardo Vercelli

University of Genoa - DIBRIS (Italy)

Welcome to the Next Level! Integrating Real-Life Challenges into the Language Learning Classroom

Bastian Fuchs

Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn (Germany)

Games and Media in Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Game On: Engaging Secondary Students in Evolution Learning

Catarina Rodrigues

Science Education Unit, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), Porto (Portugal)

Tiago Ribeiro

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal & Science Education Unit, Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto (FCUP), University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

Clara Vasconcelos

Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal & Science Education Unit, Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto (FCUP), University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

GameFlow Model: Evaluating the Enjoyment and Feasibility of a Mobile-Based Story-Listening Game for Preschoolers at Cognitive Risk for Dyslexia

Mellisa Chin

Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Thirishankari Aruthanan

Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Games and Media in Education

Mwongera Venter

African Biodiversity Alliance (Kenya)

Learning English Vocabulary through Games: Observing a Chinese EFL Classroom

Yunzhu Yan

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Zili Lin

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Yuetong Wang

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Ayse Taskiran

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Leveling Up Financial Literacy: Transforming Education through Video Games with the Aijuvi 1.0 Model

Jesús Flores

Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)

Perceptions of Chinese English Language Learners on Their Gamified Learning Experience

Yuetong Wang

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Zili Lin

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Yunzhu Yan

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Ayse Taskiran

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

ICT in Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Artificial Intelligence Resources in Learning Processes

Maria Erica Meneses Castañeda

Fundación Universitaria Catolica del Norte (Colombia)

Bridging Innovation and Reality: Educators’ Perspectives on AI-Driven Learning and Institutional Barriers

Hassiba Fadli

Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom)

Data Inputs and Contexts for ChatGPT in Education: A Review of Empirical Studies

Wenting Sun

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Jiangyue Liu

Suzhou University (China)

Xiaoling Wang

Zhejiang Normal University (China)

Democratic Accountability in the Digital Governance of Education: A Review of Tensions and Challenges

Eivind Larsen

NLA University College (Norway)

Digital Teaching and Learning

Mwongera Venter

African Biodiversity Alliance (Kenya)

Digitalization of Services and the Creation of New Barriers: Upskilling and Reskilling as a Way to Mitigate the Digital Divide.

Paolo Micozzi

University Luiss Guido Carli, Italy Ministero dell'università e della ricerca, Italy (Italy)

Serena Montefusco

Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy (Italy)

Down the Rabbit Hole: Bemused in AI Wonderland?

Yaprak Dalat Ward

Fort Hays State University (United States)

Dyslexia Handwriting Analysis via YOLO-Based Object Detection: A Multi-Class Approach for Synthetic Word Recognition

Nora Fink

AI researcher (Germany)

Enhancing Empathy with 360-cinematic VR: A Study of Perceived Resonance and Perspective-taking

Martin Smith-Gahrsen

University of Agder (Norway)

Establishing Clear Guidelines for AI Tools Usage in an Academic Institution

Desiree Mokgosi

University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

Lebogang Mosupye-Semenya

University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

Exploring the Impact of Gen-AI-Enabled Gamification on Student Motivation, Engagement, and Learning Outcomes

Qiang Fu

Institute of Technical Education (Singapore)

Chuan-Peng Low

Institute of Technical Education (Singapore)

Karen Loh

Institute of Technical Education (Singapore)

How and Why Do Undergraduate Business Students Use AI? Implications for Educators

Alison Beamish

Monash University (Australia)

Kelly Benati

Monash University (Australia)

Frank Interrigi

Monash University (Australia)

Merideth Guy

Monash University (Australia)

Jacqueline O’Toole

Monash University (Australia)

I, Translator: Rethinking Pedagogy in Times of AI

Jane Rodrigues Duarte

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal)

Innovation in Education

Mwongera Venter

African Biodiversity Alliance (Kenya)

Measuring the Perception of Pre-University Teachers Regarding Digital Pedagogical Skills

Liliana Mâță

Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău (Romania)

Micro-module “AI and Consumer Behaviour”: Lessons Learned

Ligita Zailskaitė-Jakštė

Kauno Kolegija Higher Education Institution (Lithuania)

Inga Minelgaitė

University of Iceland (Iceland)

Shaping the Future: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Creating Adaptive Learning Environments by 2030

Ghulam Mustafa

International Islamic University, Islamabad (Pakistan)

Strategies for Effective Online Education: A Case Study of United States International University - Africa

Bernadette Kamene Kiarie

United States International University - Africa (Kenya)

Virginia Nyambura Njau

United States International University - Africa (Kenya)

The Integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence As A New Actor in Academic Film and Television Schools

Matan Aharoni

Ariel University (Israel)

Using Generative AI to Produce Teaching Aids

Brian Butka

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (United States)

Language Teaching and Learning
Title of Abstract Name Institution
“It Plays a Huge Role”: Examining Dual Language Teachers’ Conceptions of Language, Culture & Sociocultural Competence

Giselle Martinez Negrette

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (United States)

Cultural Diversity in English Learning

SarahJane Ademide Awopejo

Institute of International Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University (Nigeria)

Exploring English Vocabulary Gains and Retention through Game-Based Learning in the Chinese Context

Zili Lin

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Yunzhu Yan

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Yuetong Wang

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Ayse Taskiran

Wenzhou-Kean University (China)

Integrating AI into English for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Learning Materials

Eva Ellederová

Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)

Languaging and Gesture in Second Language Primary Classrooms

Alessandro Rosborough

Brigham Young University (United States)

Socio-cultural and Discoursive Aspects of Language Competencies in Learning Foreign Languages

Mokhira Eshanova

Graduate School of Business and Entreprenuership under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)

Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms in Canada: Language-Focused Instruction and Multilingualism Matter

Farahnaz Faez

Western University (Canada)

The Relationship between First Language Skills and Learning Outcomes in Educational Science

Fabian Gunnars

Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall (Sweden)

Peter Mozelius

Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall (Sweden)

Translanguaging in Language Education: Pedagogical Practices for Multilingual Classrooms

Konstantinos Chatzidimou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Life Sciences Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
“Green” and “Blue” Projects: Unveiling Key Formal, Non-formal and Informal Approaches to Sustainability Education Across Europe

Ivelina Ivanova

European Schoolnet (Belgium)

Àgueda Gras-Velázquez

European Schoolnet (Belgium)

Miriam Molina Ascanio

European Schoolnet (Belgium)

Chiara Longobardi

European Schoolnet (Belgium)

Nikolaos Tezas

European Schoolnet (Belgium)

Multiculturalism and Social Inclusion
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Cultural Diversity in English Learning

Claudia Peralta

Boise State University (United States)

Experimental Cardboard Microarchitectures for the Functional Upgrading of Pedagogically Obsolete School Spaces

Daniela Ladiana

University of “Gabriele D’Annunzio” of Chieti and Pescara (Italy)

Chiara Iacovetti

A3S Progetti Srl (Italy)

Exploratory Study of English Language Teaching in Intercultural Bilingual Educational Institutions in Cañar, Ecuador (Phase 1)

José Pomavilla

Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)

Paola Santamaría

Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)

Mauro Villacrés

Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)

Martha González

Yachay Tech University (Ecuador)


Onno Hansen-Staszyński

Drog (The Netherlands)

Beata Staszyńska-Hansen

Fundacja Citizen Project (Poland)

Modern Approaches to Early Childhood Education for Vulnerable Social Groups: the Greek Experience

Foteini Kalogerogianni

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Playing with Viewpoints

Nicole Holm

Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

Poverty in Schools: Challenges and Recommendations

Uğur Şeker

Ministry of Education, Turkey (Turkey)

The Indigenous People of the FULNI-Ô in Pernambuco: Language and Education to Preserve Identity

Giovanna Campani

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain)

Primary and Early Childhood Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Analysis of Children's Conceptions of Reading, Writing and Counting

Milena Lipnická

University Matej Bel Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

Bridging the Implementation Gap: A System-Wide Analysis of Assessment Practices and Professional Learning in Primary Education

Tania Leach

University of Southern Queensland (Australia)

Comics, Music and Lab Experiments: Nudging Methodology as a Novel Approach in Children’s Nutritional Education

Armida Torreggiani

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF), Bologna (Italy)

Emanuela Saracino

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF), Bologna (Italy)

Giacomo Bianchin

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF), Bologna (Italy)

Eleonora Polo

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF), Bologna (Italy)

Lorenzo Mazzuchelli

Università degli Studi di Milano, Scienze Agrarie ed Alimentari (Italy)

Alberto Zanelli

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF), Bologna (Italy)

Dewey Meets the Machine: Guided Inquiry Using Generative AI for Students Ages 7-11

Timothy Mattison

University of Southern Indiana (United States)

Jill Raisor

University of Southern Indiana (United States)

Empowering Financial Futures with RMC's OpenAI Finance

Prem Couture

Red Matter Capital (United Kingdom)

Leadership and Legal Competence: the Key to a Good Kindergarten Environment

Atle Kristensen

Nord University Universitetsalléen 11 8026 Bodø (Norway)

Morten Einar Edvardsen

Nord University Norway (Norway)

The Reality of Psychological Trauma among Children in Palestine in Light of the War on the Gaza Strip from the Point of View of Parents

Wafa.a Mohammed Ashour

Ministry of Education and Higher Education (Palestinian Territory, Occupied)

Imelda Graham

Universal Learning Systems (Ireland)

Working with Statistics in Kindergarten: A Sustainable Approach

Stein Arnold Berggren

Østfold University College, The Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages, Mathematics (Norway)

Paal Espen Olvik Jom

Nord university, Faculty of Education and Arts, Mathematics (Norway)

Special Needs
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Driver Education App for Learners with ADHD

Lina Hertzberg

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science (Sweden)

Elin Ejdetjärn

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

Fredrik Grén

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

Madelene Holm

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

Lucas Kronstad

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

Kalle Källman

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

Gustav Markholm

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

Birgitta Thorslund

Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping (Sweden)

A Dual-Model Handwriting Analysis Pipeline for Dyslexia Screening: Integrating Gemini 2.0 Flash Exp and OpenAI O1 with Logistic Regression

Nora Fink

Co-CEO ever-growing GmbH, Independent Researcher Dyslexia99 (Germany)

A Principal’s Role in Leading a Successful Inclusive School

Yazmin Pineda Zapata

Point Loma Nazarene University (United States)

Disabled Students Post-School Transitions in Ireland

Selina McCoy

Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin (Ireland)

Effects of an Assistance Dog on the Development of Learning Skills with Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Judith Beaulieu

Université du Québec en Outaouais (Canada)

Implementing a Special Education M.A. Program in “Vision for Learning” at the University of Dodoma, Tanzania – Process and Experiences

Gunvor Wilhelmsen

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen (Norway)

Marion Felder

Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz (Germany)

Making Education Equitable and Accessible through Model Program Strategy

Barsha Banerjee

Managing Director, Perkins School For the Blind India Foundation (India)

Perceptions of Special Education Administrators and Their Impact on Inclusive Curriculum

Joseph Hogan

Kean University (United States)

James Coviello

St. John's University (United States)

Who Looks After our Wellbeing? A National Survey Exploring the Wellbeing of SENCOs (Special Education Needs Co-ordinators) in Irish Primary Schools.

Emma O’Sullivan

Mary Immaculate College (Ireland)

Trevor O' Brien

Department of Educational Psychology, Inclusive and Special Education, Mary Immaculate College (University of Limerick) (Ireland)

Johanna Fitzgerald

Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick (Ireland)

Student Assessment
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Above and Beyond the On-Road Test: Evaluating the Suitability of Traffic Situations for Driver Assessment

Victor Nyberg

Linköping University (Sweden)

Capstone Assignments in Business Education: Fostering Work-Readiness and Self-Efficacy?

Nellie Gertsson

Kristianstad University (Sweden)

Lisa Källström

Kristianstad University (Sweden)

Mapping Assessment in Italian Schools: Are Innovations in Practices Taking Place?

Giorgia Slaviero

University of Padua (Italy)

Beatrice Doria

University of Padua (Italy)

Valentina Grion

Online University Pegaso (Italy)

Teacher Professional Development
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Addressing Inadequate Digital Skills in Implementing a 4IR-Relevant Curriculum: Training Framework for South African Secondary Schools

Rachel Tholakele Khoza

University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Business School (South Africa)

Advancing Teacher Professional Development Through Mentorship

Molly Fuller

University of North-West University (South Africa)

Chris Steyn

North-West University (South Africa)

Argumentation Levels of Science and Biology Teacher Candidates on Some Socioscientific Issues

Zeynep Güler

Balikesir university (Turkey)

Burcu Güngör Cabbar

Balıkesir University, Necatibey Faculty of Education Balıkesir, Türkiye (Turkey)

Artificial Intelligence in the Teaching of Foreign Languages in Primary Schools in Podgorica

Olivija Drincic

Stampar Makarije, Primary School, Podgorica (Montenegro)

Zuhal Guvener

Unıted Kids Montenegro, Podgorica (Montenegro)

Building Bridges Between Policy and Practice: Harnessing Communities of Practice for Educational Transformation

Niall Mulpeter

University of Limerick (Ireland)

Joanne O’Flaherty

University of Limerick (Ireland)

Orla McCormack

Department of Education and professional Studies (Ireland)

EdTRE model: Project-based Learning for New Generation Music Teachers

Pattaraporn Plitakul

Silpakorn University (Thailand)

Engaging Educators in Professional Learning

Christina Giddings

University of Florida (United States)

Carrie Perry

University of Florida (United States)

Stefanie McLeod

University of Florida (United States)

Rasheeda West

University of Florida (United States)

Fostering Equity and Peace through Intensive Leadership Learning

Martin Hagan

St. Mary's University College Belfast Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)

Patricia Eaton

Stranmillis University College Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)

Lisa McKenzie

Stranmillis University College, Belfast, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)

Claire Connolly

St. Mary's University College, Belfast, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)

Ed Brantmeier

James Madison University United States of America (United States)

Monica Smith-Woofter

James Madison University United States of America (United States)

Leader's Legal Competense - A Contribution to Organizational Development int Preschools.

Morten Einar Edvardsen

Nord University Norway (Norway)

Atle Kristensen

Nord University Universitetsalléen 11 8026 Bodø (Norway)

Navigating Academic Underachievement: The Role of Teacher Perceptions, Attributions, and Strategies in Diverse Educational Environments

Elena Ovakimyan

HSE University (Russian Federation)

Sergey Kosaretski

HSE University (Russian Federation)

Prompt Strategies in Lesson Plan Assessment: Insights from Pre-Service Teachers' Prompt Dataset

Wenting Sun

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)

Jiangyue Liu

Suzhou University (China)

Strategies for Effective School Leadership and Organizational Development

Trond Lekang

Nord university (Norway)

Morten Einar Edvardsen

Nord University Norway (Norway)

Transforming Higher Education: The Impact of Faculty Development at USIU-Africa

Virginia Nyambura Njau

United States International University - Africa (Kenya)

Bernadette Kamene Kiarie

United States International University - Africa (Kenya)


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