The Future of Education

Edition 15

Digital Library | Innovation in Language Learning | Edition 11

Edition 11

126 Results
Innovation in Language Learning | Language for Specific Purposes

The Main Criteria of Constructing Task-Based Reading Activities For ESP Learners

Naira Poghosyan, National University of Architecture and Construction (Armenia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Realization of Project - Based Language Learning at the Context of Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences

Susanna Asatryan, Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (Armenia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICT for Language Learning: a Modern Colombian Education

Heriberto González Valencia, Santiago de Cali University (Colombia)
Jakeline Villota Enriquez, Santiago de Cali University (Colombia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language for Specific Purposes

The Role of English for Specific Purposes in an Aeronautical Design Contest

Dietmar Tatzl, FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

”School” Box Office aka ”SBO”: Pretext and Context for English Learning in Grade 5

Ligia Sarivan, Institute for Educational Sciences (Romania)
Alina Crina Terinte, Sanduleni School (Romania)
Anghel Cerassela, Nicolae Iorga School (Romania)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Personalized Learning, Self-Directed Learning, ICT and Student Motivation

Anches Holzweber, Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH (Austria)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Effects of Academic Self-Efficacy on Academic Achievement of Online Foreign Language Learning: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study in Japanese Higher Education Environment

Satoru Yokoyama, Chiba Institute of Science (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Online Comic Creator for EFL Writing: An Effective Tool for Collaborative Learning

Takako Yasuta, University of Aizu (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

E-Learning in Higher Education (Forced to Use Do we Use its Force?)

Ivana Cimermanova, University of Presov (Slovakia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Being a Bilingual “National” Poet: The Case of Dionysios Solomos / Dionisio Salamon

Afroditi Athanasopoulou, University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

New Media in and beyond the University Classroom: Opportunities through Change

Ruth Trinder, Vienna University of Business and Economics (Austria)
Katia Carraro, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

From Onsite to Online EMI Support

Sophie Swerts Knudsen, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Lars Klingenberg, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Application of the Web Quest Technology in the Organization of the Independent Work of Students in the Process of Studying Disciplines

Veronika Katermina, Kuban State University (Russian Federation)
Elena Zhestkova, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Migrant Crisis and Language Education. The Case of Serbia

Julijana Vučo, University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Effects of Equal and Expanding Spacing Techniques on EFL Learners’ Immediate and Delayed Vocabulary Retrieval

Roya Khoii, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Elham Sasani Nejad, Islamic Azad University, North-Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Najla Safaee, Islamic Azad University, North-Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Saleh Ghodrati, Islamic Azad University, North-Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Maryam Parki, Islamic Azad University, North-Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Promoting Active Lessons and Independent Work through Flipped Learning

Diana Carolina Durán Bautista, Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Are IWBs worth in EFL?

Michaela Sepešiová, University of Prešov (Slovakia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

The Paradox of Harmonizing Teaching and Research in a Research-Dominated System of Education

Kobra Derakhshan, Islamic Azad University, Department of English Language and Literature, at Central Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

In Italia con Giacomo: Developing a Blended Learning Course in Italian Language and Culture

Gabriella Brussino, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

The Electronic Writing Assessment Tool as a Means to Enhance Students’ Writing Skills in English as a Foreign Language

Yunier Perez Sarduy, Shantou University (China)
Yanqi Luo, Shantou University (China)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

The Impact of Assessment on the Learning of English as a Foreign Language: A Case Study

Yanqi Luo, Shantou University (China)
Yunier Perez Sarduy, Shantou University (China)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Business English: Introducing Learning Apps into a Blended Learning Course

Regina Brautlacht, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Toward Computer Evaluation System through English Education at Public Elementary Schools in Japan

Kayoko Fukuchi, Kobe Kaisei College (Japan)
Naoshi Kanazawa, National Institute of Technology, Nara College (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Online Environment in Language Skills Development

Zuzana Strakova, University of Presov (Slovakia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Reflecting on Electronic Portfolio Experience: A Comparative Analysis of Perceptions of English Language Teacher Trainees in the Slovak Republic and Great Britain

Zuzana Lukáčová, University of Presov (Slovakia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

The significance of Task-Based Instruction in the Improvement of Learners’ Speaking Skills

Bushra Saadoon Mohammed Alnoori, Baghdad University (Iraq)
Azhar Hassan Sallomi, Karbala University (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

A Discourse Analysis Study of Comic Words in the American and British Sitcoms

Bushra Ni’ma Rashid, College of Education Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences - Baghdad University (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

The Role of Employing Robin's Strategy (SQ3R) on EFL Iraqi University Students Performance in Reading Comprehension

Nagham Qadoori Yahya, Education College for Humanities - Tikrit University (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Minimizing Resistence to Feedback through Video Recorded Observations

Aynur Yürekli, İzmir University of Economics (Turkey)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Training and Mentoring Novice Instructors at the University Level

Josefa Conde de Lindquist, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Factors Affecting Learner’s Task Engagement in a Task-Based Course

Xuefeng Su, Shantou University (China)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Blended Language Learning in Higher Education: Students’ and Tutors’ Perceptions and Experiences

Alice Gruber, University of Applied Sciences Heilbronn (Germany)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Digital Foreign Language Learning in the "Intercultura" Lab

Giampiero Finocchiaro, I.C. Laura Lanza Baronessa di Carini - Ufficio Scolastico Consolato Generale d'Italia di Buenos Aires (Italy)
Emanuela Leto, I.C. Laura Lanza Baronessa di Carini (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Language across the Curriculum: Building a Learning Community

Liselott Forsman, Åbo Akademi University (Finland)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Lingua Franca in/beyond E-Learning: Future of Multilingualism

On-Kwok Lai, Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Conjunctions in the English Essay Writing of Spanish EFL Learners

Ana Cristina Lahuerta Martínez, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Language Learner Attitudes towards Technology and their Preferences for Learning Tools/Devices at Two Universities in the UAE

Matthew Andrew, Khalifa University (United Arab Emirates)
Aimee Grange, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Second Language Writers Create Digital Portfolios with Voice-Over Technology

David Rothman, Queensborough College: City University of New York (CUNY) (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

A Critical Look at Language Teacher Practices Using the KARDS Model: Meeting the Postmethod Condition

Angela C. Bailey, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Indira Niebles Thevening, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Nayibe Rosado Mendinueta, Universidad del Norte (Colombia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning to Support International Mobility

The Migration Experience and the Informal Language Learning of Refugees

Rosella Bianco, University of Granada (Spain)
Mónica Ortiz-Cobo, University of Granada (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Teaching Communicative Strategies to ESP Students

Alexey A. Tymbay, MGIMO University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning to Support International Mobility

The Migration Experience and the Informal Language Learning of Refugees

Rosella Bianco, University of Granada (Spain)
Mónica Ortiz-Cobo, University of Granada (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Implementing a Teacher Training Program Supported by ICT

Ana Guadalupe Torres Hernández, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Alejandro Vera Pedroza, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Susana Anabel Guillen Ramírez, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Juana Elena Guzmán Valdez, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Course Development, Assessment, the Flipped Classroom, and Noodles: The Highs and Lows of an On-Line Classroom through the Medium of Noodles

Christine M. Ristaino, Emory University (United States)
Hong Li, Emory University (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

VISIAGORA by CLL Language Centres: An Innovative Distance Learning Experience and Pedagogical Approach in a Virtual Classroom

Sébastien Pabst, CLL Language Centres (Belgium)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Innovative Language Learning through Thematic Learning Modules and the Incorporation of ICT

Diane Boothe, Boise State University (United States)
Craig Marcus, Oregon State University (United States)
Melissa Caspary, Georgia Gwinnett College (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Real World Tasks

Maria Loglio, Language Teacher Consultant (Switzerland)
Petra Pfeifhofer, Language Teacher Consultant (Switzerland)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Real World Tasks

Maria Loglio, Language Teacher Consultant (Switzerland)
Petra Pfeifhofer, Language Teacher Consultant (Switzerland)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Teachers’ Use of Code-Switching in Foreign Language Classroom

Alaa Alshaikh Sulaiman, Edinburgh University (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Speaking for Yourself: How to Support Students in Autonomous Speaking

Jan Strybol, Het Perspectief PCVO (Belgium)
Vanessa Verschelden, Het Perspectief PCVO (Belgium)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Attention and Fluency of L2 Learners in Task-Based Reading: An Examination Using Eye-Tracking

Andrew Atkins, Kindai University (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

The Role of EFL Textbooks in Improving Intercultural Competence

Nahid Zarei, Islamic Azad University-Maragheh Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

How Long Does it Take to Learn English?

Simon Buckland, Researcher (United Kingdom)
Bindi Clements, Wall Street English (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Educating the Language Learner as a Cultural Mediator in the English Classroom

Victoria Safonova, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Course Development, Assessment, the Flipped Classroom, and Noodles: The Highs and Lows of an On-Line Classroom through the Medium of Noodles

Christine M. Ristaino, Emory University (United States)
Hong Li, Emory University (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Language and Translation: Interdisciplinary Effort and Synergetic Effect

Elena A. Notina, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Irina A. Bykova, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Nebojša Radić, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Mediated Discourse Dynamics: Semiotic Potential and Cognitive Space Generation within Cross-Cultural Cross-Linguistic Communication

Irina A. Bykova, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Elena A. Notina, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Nebojša Radić, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

"I Keep Returning to It, so Something Must Be Happening": Swedish Foreign Language Teacher Students' Conceptions of ICT and Digital Tools in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

Tore Nilsson, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Self-Determination Theory and the Growth of Self-Efficacy in the Oral English Classroom

Paul Leeming, Kindai University (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

The Effect of Using Question Based Discussion Technique on Students Achievement in English Novel

Zaid Ahmed Abed, Tikrit University (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language for Specific Purposes

An Analysis on ESP Students` Preposition Errors (The Case of Legal Translation)

Karine Chiknaverova, MGIMO University (Odintsovo), Professor at the English Language Department (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Effect of Electronic Teaching Techniques on the Media and Mass Communication Students & Teachers

Maytham Falih Hussein, Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Ali Youdah Salman, Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Layth Neama Moosa, Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | The Common European Framework of Reference

The Usefulness of the CEFR In the Investigation of Test Versions Content Equivalence

Martina Hulešová, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Obstacles in Multilingual/Translingual Approaches to Teaching Writing at a "Monolingual" American University

Thomas Walker, University of Washington (United States)
Ahmad A. Alharthi, University of Washington (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

Self-Assessment Descriptors for Second Language

Kateřina Šormová, Charles University (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Sustainable E-CLIL: Adapting Texts And Designing Suitable Reading Material for CLIL Lessons Using Simple ICT Learning Aids

Emma Abbate, Free-lance researcher (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

The Transformative Language Teacher Training

Brunella Bigi, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Creating a Flexible System for the Explicit Teaching of Academic and Technical Vocabulary

Theodore Burkett, Khalifa University (United Arab Emirates)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

L1 Interference Related Errors in Czech Advanced Students of English

Simona Kalová, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Linguistic and Cultural Identity of the University Students

Nataliya Belenkova, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Applying the Method of Design Thinking in Teaching ESP in the Context of Creative Tourism

Zuzana Sándorová, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

The Development of Language Competencies and Research Culture of Students through Research Work

Hamest Tamrazyan, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Supporting Dyslexic Students through ICT Tools in Foreign Language Learning

Emanuela Leto, I C Laura Lanza Baronessa di Carini (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

A New Moodle-Based Learning Environment for Italian as a Second Language

Chiara Arzilli, Consorzio ICoN (Italy)
Elisa Bianchi, Consorzio ICoN (Italy)
Marco Infortugno, Consorzio ICoN (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

The Role of Texts as Resources for Learning in Science

Anna Lyngfelt, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

“Teachers or Learners?”: Swapping Roles in CLIL Classes to Improve Speaking Skills and Motivation. A Vertical Transversal Project.

Francesca Ripamonti, University of Milan (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

E-Learning and Students’ Motivation: A Research Study on the Effect of E-Learning on Language Teaching and Learning

Maria Tsourela, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia (Greece)
Dimitris Paschaloudis, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia (Greece)
Vaya Barba, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia (Greece)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

E-Twinning for CLIL: The Experience of an Italian Lower Secondary School

Marianna Memè, Istituto Comprensivo di Corinaldo (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Learning Novel Names Extension by Comparison: What Research Tells us?

Jean-Pierre Thibaut, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (France)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

An Ensemble Classifier for Error Detection and Recommendation in the Use of Articles by Learners of English

Kiruthikaa Krishnamoorthy, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
Thomas Gaillat, Insight Centre for Data Analytics NUI Galway (Ireland)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Multiple Intelligences – Addressing Diverse Learners in an ESL Classroom

Rana Khan Mohammed Ishaque, Algonquin College (Kuwait)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Integrating Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition with On-Line Foreign Language Learning

Serafima Gettys, Lewis University (United States)
Lifeng Hu, Lewis University (United States)
Rocio Rodriguez, Lewis University (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

The Role of Authentic Children’s Literature in Primary EFL Teacher Training

Licia Masoni, University of Bologna (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Preparing Students for Online Language Learning

Krista Chambless, The University of Alabama at Birmingham (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Speaking for Yourself: How to Support Students in Autonomous Speaking

Jan Strybol, Het Perspectief PCVO (Belgium)
Vanessa Verschelden, Het Perspectief PCVO (Belgium)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Digital Storytelling in Education and Second Language Acquisition: The State of the Art

Annalisa Raffone, “L’Orientale” University of Naples (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

The Effect of Tablets on the Acquisition of Semantic Relationships within the Community of Lexical Inquiry

Constance Lavoie, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada)
Martine Pellerin, Université de l’Alberta, Campus St-Jean (Canada)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language for Specific Purposes

LSP or CLIL in Tertiary Education: Different Perspectives on the Choice

Olga Medvedeva, Institute of Foreign Languages - Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Tatiana Sidorenko, Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Role of the Virtual Museum in the Foreign Language Teaching. A Case Study of Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language in the University Setting

Ioanna Tyrou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
George Mikros, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Assessing Speaking Skills in Online University Courses: the Case of English for Tourism

M. Victoria Domínguez-Rodríguez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning to Support International Mobility

A Language Exchange Tool for Internationalization: Tandem Experience at METU

Yeliz Akel, Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Obstacles in Multilingual/Translingual Approaches to Teaching Writing at a "Monolingual" American University

Thomas Walker, University of Washington (United States)
Ahmad A. Alharthi, University of Washington (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Teaching Adults a Foreign Language with Language Resources for Babies

Sibel Boray Elliot, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Confucian Teaching Re-Examined in Foreign Language Teaching Settings and Transformative Learning

Hanwei Tan, Defence Language Institute (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

”School” Box Office aka ”SBO”: Pretext and Context for English Learning in Grade 5

Ligia Sarivan, Institute for Educational Sciences (Romania)
Alina Crina Terinte, Sanduleni School (Romania)
Anghel Cerassela, Nicolae Iorga School (Romania)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Adaptive Approach: Best Practices in Teaching L2s at Elementary Levels

Enrique Porrua, University of North Carolina at Pembroke (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

EFL College Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of the Nature and Causes of Plagiarism

Roya Khoii, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Mahsa Atefi, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language for Specific Purposes

LSP or CLIL in Tertiary Education: Different Perspectives on the Choice

Olga Medvedeva, Institute of Foreign Languages - Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Tatiana Sidorenko, Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | The Common European Framework of Reference

International Cooperation for the Promotion of Multilingualism

Elisabetta Delle Donne, Pixel (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

CLIL Methodology in the 21st Century School

Letizia Cinganotto, INDIRE (Italy)
Fausto Benedetti, INDIRE, Italy (Italy)
Daniela Cuccurullo, ITI Giordani Striano (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Digital Game-Based Language Learning in 3D Immersive Environments: The GUINEVERE Project

Thomas Michael, University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Silvia Benini, University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Christel Schneider, University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Carol Ann Rainbow, University of Central Lancashire (United Kingdom)
Tuncer Can, University of Istanbul (Turkey)
Irfan Simsek, University of Istanbul (Turkey)
Sezer Koser Biber, University of Istanbul (Turkey)
Heike Philp, Lets Talk Online SPRL (Belgium)
Nick Zwart, 3DLS (The Netherlands)
Barbara Turchetta, IUL (Italy)
Fausto Benedetti, INDIRE (Italy)
Patrizia Garista, INDIRE (Italy)
Letizia Cinganotto, INDIRE (Italy)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Integrating Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition with On-Line Foreign Language Learning

Serafima Gettys, Lewis University (United States)
Lifeng Hu, Lewis University (United States)
Rocio Rodriguez, Lewis University (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

The MA Program on Language Education and Technology: A Global Endeavour

George S. Ypsilandis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

Open Educational Resources in Enhancing Thai University Students’ English Language Learning

Budsaba Kanoksilapatham, Silpakorn University (Thailand)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

The Realization of Metrical Phonology in Blake's The Lamb

Rasim T. Jehjooh, University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Effect of Electronic Teaching Techniques on the Media and Mass Communication Students & Teachers

Maytham Falih Hussein, Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Ali Youdah Salman, Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Layth Neama Moosa, Al-Imam Al-Kadhim University College for Islamic Sciences (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Stimulating VET Students’ Creativity and Motivation through Flipped and CLIL Experiences: The E-Classes Project

Anca Colibaba, GR.T.Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)
Stefan Colibaba, Al.I. Cuza University (Romania)
Cintia Colibaba, Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iași (Romania)
Irina Gheorghiu, Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University (Germany)
Ovidiu Ursa, Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj (Romania)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Toward Computer Evaluation System through English Education at Public Elementary Schools in Japan

Kayoko Fukuchi, Kobe Kaisei College (Japan)
Naoshi Kanazawa, National Institute of Technology, Nara College (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Distance Learning Environment

Anna R. Bekeeva, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Elena A. Notina, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Irina A. Bykova, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Valentina Uliumdzhieva, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Good Practise Blended Learning & Flipping the Classroom in Foreign Language Education

Scarlet Coopman, Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

From Onsite to Online EMI Support

Sophie Swerts Knudsen, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Lars Klingenberg, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Educational Technology for New Learning Methods and their Impact on Children's Language and Intercultural Competencies

Sigrun Corinna Peil, University of Minho (Portugal)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Speed-Marking: A Case Study

John Blake, University of Aizu (Japan)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Short-Term Study Abroad and Language Implications in Context

Alan Garfield, University of Dubuque (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Enhancing First-Year Arts Students’ English Vocabulary Ability with Online Learning Media

Jantira Koedkham, Silpakorn University (Thailand)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Empowering Self-Learning Using Online Resources: A Case Study of the Development of Thai Students’ English Listening Skills

Phatcharasorn Noipann, Silpakorn University (Thailand)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Multilingualism in New Zealand

Elena A. Notina, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Anna R. Bekeeva, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Irina A. Bykova, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Valentina Uliumdzhieva, RUDN University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Attitudes towards Digital Game-Based Learning of Chinese Primary School English Teachers

Sihan Zhou, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Chengxin Li, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Nicola Galloway, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Ruby Rennie, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Analyzing Assessment of EMI Subjects from the Genre-Theory Perspective

Guzman Mancho-Barés, University of Lleida (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

LinguApp: Bridging the Language Gap

Elena Gómez Parra, University of Córdoba (Spain)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

The Challenges Encountered by Iraqi students in Learning the Italian language and Creating a New Methodology in their Learning

Azhar Al Khattab, University of Baghdad (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Language Learner Attitudes towards Technology and their Preferences for Learning Tools/Devices at Two Universities in the UAE

Matthew Andrew, Khalifa University (United Arab Emirates)
Aimee Grange, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Recreating a Sociohistorical Perspective on Shunko by Reading his Story (Ábalos, 1949) and Watching "The Progress" (Murúa, 1960): An Introduction to Decoloniality

Ana Fernandez, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | Language for Specific Purposes

Academic Reading or Translation: What Do we Teach?

Nebojša Radić, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

A Case Study of a Kurdish University Teacher's Perceptions on the Use of ICT in EFL Classrooms

Barzan Hadi Hama Karim, University of Halabja (Iraq)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Integrating Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition with On-Line Foreign Language Learning

Serafima Gettys, Lewis University (United States)
Lifeng Hu, Lewis University (United States)
Rocio Rodriguez, Lewis University (United States)
Publication date: 2018/11/09
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