The Future of Education

Edition 15

Digital Library | Innovation in Language Learning | Edition 7

Edition 7

167 Results
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

INTACT Project: Bilingual Teaching Resources Tailored for Students’ Mobile Life

Isabel Chumbo, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Portugal (Portugal)
Annika Jokiaho, Ludwigsburg University of Education (Germany)
Birgit May, Ludwigsburg University of Education (Germany)
Vitor Gonçalves, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning for Specific Purposes

Implementation of Reflective and Creative Approach for Teaching English: Projection of Technological Model

Olyesya Razdorskaya, Kursk State Medical University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Collect, Select, Reflect: Reflective Writing - The Focal Point of a Student Teacher ePortfolio

Mario Pace, University of Malta (Malta)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Using CLIL and Wiki in Collaborative Learning.

Vladimira Froldova, Hradec Králové University (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Empowering Students to Write Language Learning Materials

Stefan Colibaba, Al.I. Cuza University (Romania)
Ovidiu Ursa, Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj (Romania)
Rodica Gardikiotis, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi (Romania)
Irina Gheorghiu, Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University of Germany (Germany)
Claudia Dinu, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Take Care of Mobile Learning!

Anca Colibaba, GR.T.Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)
Ovidiu Ursa, Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj (Romania)
Cristian Arhip, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi (Romania)
Irina Gheorghiu, Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University of Germany (Germany)
Stefan Colibaba, Al.I. Cuza University (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Using a Periodic Table Multimedia in Order to Simplify a New Universal Language, the Chemical Language.

María del Mar López Guerrero, University of Malaga (Spain)
Gema López Guerrero, University of Malaga, Faculty of Science, Department of Analytical Chemistry Spain (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

A Multicultural Context and ICT: Adopt and/or Adapt the Educational Software to the Course of FFL?

Mohamad-Hossein Otroshi, Université du Maine, CREN-InEdUM (France)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Effects of Integrating Diigo Social Bookmarking into Schoology Learning Management System on EFL Learners’ Autonomy and Use of Reading Strategies

Roya Khoii, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Newsha Ahmadi, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Maryam Gharib, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Graphic Novels: A Bridge Between Print and Media for ELL Teaching

Stan Steiner, Boise State University (United States)
Claudia Peralta, Boise State University (United States)
Diane Boothe, Boise State University (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Graphic Novels: A Bridge Between Print and Media for ELL Teaching

Stan Steiner, Boise State University (United States)
Claudia Peralta, Boise State University (United States)
Diane Boothe, Boise State University (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Interactive Whiteboards and Web Tools not only Engage Learners But Also Increase Reading Fluency in Japanese as a Second Language – Evidence from an Australian Primary School

Kathleen Duquemin, Gardenvale Primary School (Australia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Students’ Experiences of Using Sms for Vocabulary Development – a Case Study

Donovan Lawrence, University of Johannesburg South Africa (South Africa)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

CLIL Approach in Foreign Language Speaking Skills Development

Nataliya Belenkova, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

An Action Research on the Relationship between the Assessment Strategy of Knowledge Envelopes and Academic Performance in Writing

Feyza Nur Ekizer, Selcuk University (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

The Use of Video Teleconferencing in a Teacher Training Program

Serkan Lokmacıoğlu, Turkish Military Academy (Turkey)
Fevzi Balıdede, Turkish Military Academy (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Energy Issues, European Citizenship, CLIL Methodology - How a Comenius Regio Project Helps Improve Students’ Competences and Teachers’ Professionalism

Luisanna Paggiaro, LEND- Lingua e Nuova Didattica (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning for Specific Purposes

Legal Language – a Cultural Ambassador. A Language for Various Purposes, not only for Specific Purpose

Rita Cancino, Aalborg University (Denmark)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

A Collaborative Approach to Written Corrective Feedback

Nahid Zarei, IslamicAzad University-Maragheh Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Content and Language Integrated Learning: Creating Awareness through Language Teaching

Helen Osieja, Helen Osieja Teaching and Learning Adviser (Sweden)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The 21st Century Classroom: Creating a Culture of Innovation in ICT

Diane Boothe, Boise State University (United States)
Linda Clark, Superintendent of West Ada School District, Governor\'s Task Force for Education (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Examining the Effectiveness of Using Online Teaching Materials, Mobile Applications in Foreign Language Education and in Teacher Training The Experiences of an Online Language Pedagogy Course

Gyorgyi Kovàcs, Eszterhàzy Kàroly College (Hungary)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

What Does Reading Mean? An Online Exchange of Teaching Practices to Sustain the Students’ Authentic Learning

Ioana Constantin, Institute for Educational Sciences Bucharest/Pro Ingenio School Bragadiru (Romania)
Ligia Sarivan, Institute for Educational Sciences Bucharest (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | The European Language Label for the promotion of quality in language learning

FRANEL the Free Electronic Language Learning Environment - Providing Language Learners with Authentic and Semi-authentic Video Clips

Viviane Grisez, University of Mons, Belgium (Belgium)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Preparing Pre-service Teachers Using a Computer Simulated Classroom of English Learners

Ting Yan, University of Central Florida (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Learner and Teacher Perceptions on Digital Technologies in Tertiary L2

Constantinos Tsouris, Language CentrenUniversity of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

WebQuest in the Context of Russian Language Learning

Varvara Golovatina, Institute of Applied Language Studies, University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Graphic Novels: A Bridge Between Print and Media for ELL Teaching

Stan Steiner, Boise State University (United States)
Claudia Peralta, Boise State University (United States)
Diane Boothe, Boise State University (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Facebook for the Language Class: Authentic Communication and Autonomous Learning

Elena Aniela Mancas, Institute for Educational Sciences (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICT for Teaching translation and Interpretation for Masters of Applied Linguistics

Maria Stepanova, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Do Teachers Learn What They Are Taught? The Impact of a Hybrid in-service Teacher Course on the Perceived Role of Content in an EFL Classroom

Anna Krulatz, Sør-Trøndelag University College Norway (Norway)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

E-Learning as Support for Capacitation of Entrepreneuers on Amazon

Flávio De São Pedro Filho, GEITEC - Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology / Foundation Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil)
Noemy Witt Ferreira, FEAD / Program Post-Graduation in Administration, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (Brazil)
Irene Yoko Taguchi Sakuno, Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology / Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil)
Sandra da Cruz Garcia do Espírito Santo Aguiar, Professor at the the UNIR. Member at the GEITEC – Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology / Federal University of Rondônia, Rondônia State, Brazil (Brazil)
P.C Tripathy, Reader at the Department of Business Administration, Sambalpur University (India)
Saikat Gochhait, Federal University of Rondonia (Brazil)
Iluska Lobo Braga, GEITEC - Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology / Postgraduation Program in Administration of the Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Digital Literacy in the EAP Classroom

Karen Eini, Ruppin Academic Center (Israel)
Tal Levy, Ruppin Academic College (Israel)
Elana Spector-Cohen, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Web-Based Foreign Language Education Courses Are Missing!

Zeynep Çetin Köroğlu, Gazi University (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

OL4LL: Online Languages for Lifelong Learning

Francesca Magnoni, National University of Ireland (Ireland)
Laura McLoughlin, National University of Ireland (Ireland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Subtitles as a Teaching Resource to Raise Students’ Motivation when Learning a Foreign Language

Alberto Fernández Costales, Universidad de Oviedo / University of Oviedo (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Teacher Education: the Common Mention on European Citizenship

Elena Gómez Parra, University of Córdoba (Spain)
Francisco Villamandos de la Torre, University of Córdoba Spain (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Deconstruct, Digest, EAT Pilot Study of a Tool for Evaluating Language Apps

Andrew Csizmadia, Newman University Gerrners Lane Bartley Green Birmingham B32 3NT (United Kingdom)
Elaine Pattison, Mrs (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Teaching and Learning Language and Content in the Digital Age with Pedagogy for Conceptual Thinking and Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Objects (MERLO)

Masha Etkind, Department of Architecture Science Ryerson University (Canada)
Uri Shafrir, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto (Canada)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Switching on to Digital Literacy? A Case Study of English Language Teachers at a Vietnamese University

Xuan Nguyen, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University (Viet Nam)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Effectiveness of Reading, Listening and Reading-While-Listening – Quasi Experimental Study

Aleksandra Maryniak, Opole University, Poland (Poland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

"Please try to stay calm, the doctor is coming" VOCAL-Medical: A Language and Cultural Tool for Staff in the Medical Sector

Kristin Brogan, ITT (Institute of Technology, Tralee) School of Business and Social Studies, Dept. of Humanities (Ireland)
Jef Adriaenssens, Thomas More University College, Turnhout, Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery (Belgium)
Helen Kelly, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Ireland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Teaching Italian Language to Egyptian Adult TBs (True Beginners) through Direct Methodology Accompanied by Technology.

Radwa Ali, University of Ain Shams (Egypt)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

ICT in Vocational Secondary Education: a Platform to Support Greek Language Learning

Ioanna Antoniou-Kritikou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / \"Athena\" R.C., Athens (Greece)
Paraskevi Botini, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / \"Athena\" R.C., Athens (Greece)
Nadia Economou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / \"Athena\" R.C., Athens (Greece)
Christina Flouda, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / \\\"Athena\\\" R.C., Athens (Greece)
Nikolaos Sidiropoulos, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / \"Athena\" R.C., Athens, Greece (Greece)
Anna Vacalopoulou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / "Athena" R.C., Athens (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

On Quantified Analysis and Evaluation for Development Reading Brain Performance Using Neural Networks’ Modeling

Hassan M. H. Mustafa, Al-Baha University (Saudi Arabia)
Saeed A. Al-Ghamdi, Al-Baha University (Saudi Arabia)
Nada M. Al-Shenawy, Tanta University (Egypt)
Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Institute for Information Technology and Communications, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (Germany)
Zedan M. Abdulhamid, Menofia University, Currently with Al-Baha University, Al-Baha (Saudi Arabia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Learning in Tandem: Integrating Learning Tasks and Online Resources in Collaborative Japanese-Finnish e-learning

Riikka Länsisalmi (Lansisalmi), University of Helsinki (Finland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Analysis of the Burnout Syndrome in Primary English Teachers in the Principality of Asturias

Ana Fernandez Viciana, University of Oviedo (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Exploring Individual Bilingualism of Albanian Immigrant Children in Greece: what the Language Biographies Tell Us.

Urania Sarri, Aston University, UK (Phd student) (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Hazards of Teaching with Technology in SLA Classroom

Kamilya Karabayeva, Hazards of teaching with technology in SLA classroom (Kazakhstan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Blended Learning in Research Methodology Module in Tallinn Health Care College

Elle Sormus, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Kateriina Rannula, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Siret Piirsalu, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Using the Moodle Template Tool to Promote Quality in Language Course Design and Learning

Margit Koivumaa, The University of Helsinki Language Centre (Finland)
Ilona Tolsa-Mänttäri, The University of Helsinki Language Centre (Finland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Voice onset time of plosives in L2 English of Turkish speakers

Mehmet Kilic, University of Gaziantep (Turkey)
Bilal Genc, Inonu University (Turkey)
Erdogan Bada, Cukurova University (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

A Corpus-based Approach to Content and Language Integrated Learning

Mona Arhire, Transilvania University Brașov/Romania (Romania)
Mihaela Gheorghe, Transilvania University Brașov/Romania (Romania)
Doru Tabală, Transilvania University Brașov/Romania (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Blended Learning in Research Methodology Module in Tallinn Health Care College

Elle Sormus, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Kateriina Rannula, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Siret Piirsalu, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

“I’ve never had so much fun at school”: Using Tablets in the Language Learning Classroom

Bård Ketil Engen, Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Teacher Education, Norway (Norway)
Tonje Hilde Giæver, Oslo and Akehrshus University College, Faculty of Education, Norway (Norway)
Louise Mifsud, Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Education, Norway (Norway)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

“I’ve never had so much fun at school”: Using Tablets in the Language Learning Classroom

Bård Ketil Engen, Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Teacher Education, Norway (Norway)
Tonje Hilde Giæver, Oslo and Akehrshus University College, Faculty of Education, Norway (Norway)
Louise Mifsud, Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Education, Norway (Norway)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

“I’ve never had so much fun at school”: Using Tablets in the Language Learning Classroom

Bård Ketil Engen, Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Teacher Education, Norway (Norway)
Tonje Hilde Giæver, Oslo and Akehrshus University College, Faculty of Education, Norway (Norway)
Louise Mifsud, Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Education, Norway (Norway)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

A multimodal learning experience for the reshaping of language education: a professional development programme for language teachers.

Cecilia Goria, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Sharing and Learning

Dolores Pevida Llamazares, Teacher (Spain)
Eva Cabral de Oliveira, IES PANDO (Spain)
Dolores García Cordido, IES PANDO (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Blogging to Share, Exchange, and Collaborate

Amy Nocton, RHAM High School, Hebron, CT (American Council of Foreign Language Teachers [ACTFL]) Connecticut Council of Language Teachers (CT COLT) (United States)
Collette Bennett, Coordinator for Language Arts, Social Studies, Library Media, and Testing of West Haven, CT School (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Teaching Greek to Albanian Students Through Shared Folk Tales: an Electronic Language Learning Environment

Chara Mavrodimou, University of Ioannina and Ioannina Primary School of Inter-Cultural Education (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

Language and Intercultural Education

Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems (Ireland)
Mayte Martín, ULS (Ireland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Blog in the French Class: Higher Motivation and Improved Competences

Ionuț Căpeneață, Secondary School No. 4 Moreni (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

A Digital Development Program (DDP) Encouraging Teachers to Teach Digitally

Tal Levy, Ruppin Academic College (Israel)
Karen Eini, Ruppin Academic College (Israel)
Elana Spector-Cohen, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Collaboration and Interactivity in EFL Learning via Blackboard Collaborate: A pilot Study

Bahiya Kashghari, Department of European Languages Faculty of Art & Humanities King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia)
Dalia Asseel, Department of European Languages Faculty of Art & Humanities King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Interculturally Wired, Locally Connected: Online Collaboration and Intercultural Learning in a Bi-national Blended Learning Project

Joannis Kaliampos, Leuphana University (Germany)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Fiction as a Mean of Teaching Foreign Language

Margarita Odesskaya, Russian State University for the Humanities (Russian Federation)
Irina Antonova, Russian State University for the Humanities (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning to Support International Mobility

The Critical Role of the Intra-cultural in Higher Education Telecollaborative Exchanges

Elana Spector-Cohen, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Tal Levy, Ruppin Academic College (Israel)
Karen Eini, Ruppin Academic College (Israel)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | The Common European Framework of Reference

Computational Linguistics & Reading Comprehension Text Complexity: implications for the EFL teacher.

Trisevgeni Liontou, Greek Ministry of Education (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Digital Reading: Practices and Challenges

Altina Ramos, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Paulo Faria, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Ádila Faria, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Using the Moodle Template Tool to Promote Quality in Language Course Design and Learning

Margit Koivumaa, The University of Helsinki Language Centre (Finland)
Ilona Tolsa-Mänttäri, The University of Helsinki Language Centre (Finland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

Teachers’ Perceptions towards Technology Use and Integration to Teach English

Betul Kinik, Gazi University (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Fiction as a Mean of Teaching Foreign Language

Margarita Odesskaya, Russian State University for the Humanities (Russian Federation)
Irina Antonova, Russian State University for the Humanities (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Multicultural Education for Language Teacher Education and CLIL

Elisa Pérez Gracia, University of Córdoba (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | The Common European Framework of Reference

Translating, Interpreting, Mediating: The CEFR and Advanced-level Language Learning in the Digital Age

Sally Wagstaffe, Durham University (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Social Networking Sites for Students at Beginner Level: Do They Work?

Tiziana Carpi, University of Milan (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

“Subject, Subject, Where Are You?” Unlearning L1 Null Subjects in L2 English: Is There a Way?

Alexandra Prentza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Ioannina Primary School of Intercultural Education Greece (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning for Specific Purposes

Learning Español Técnico Simplificado as a new Controlled Language for Machine Translation

Ilaria Gobbi, Università di Bologna (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Deconstruct, Digest, EAT Pilot Study of a Tool for Evaluating Language Apps

Andrew Csizmadia, Newman University Gerrners Lane Bartley Green Birmingham B32 3NT (United Kingdom)
Elaine Pattison, Mrs (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

Effect of Teacher-Scaffolding vs. Peer-Negotiation on Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL learners' Vocabulary Knowledge

Behjat Asa, Goldis Language Institute (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Behrang Fathololumi, Maragheh Azad University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Impact of the Digital Age on the Teaching and Learning of English and Communication Skills (Ecs): Exploratory Observations from a Nigerian University

Bolanle Akeredolu-Ale, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Remi Aduradola, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Bosede Sotiloye, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Helen Bodunde, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Teaching Concepts of Electricity and the Related Terminology by Means of Computer Simulations

Filippos Evangelou, University of Ioannina & Ioannina Primary School of Intercultural Education Greece (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Support for Learning “Concise Expressions” with Affective Features extracted from Context of Usage

Masami Suzuki, KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc. (Japan)
Hiroaki Kimura, KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc. (Japan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Impact of Interactive Discussions (S-CMC) on Essay Writing in Swahili as a Foreign Language

David Kyeu, University of California-Berkeley (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Improving Students’ Writing Skill Through Facebook at University of Iqra Buru and Tadulako University

Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir, Lecturer at University of Iqra Buru (Indonesia)
Aminah Aminah, Tadolako University of Palu Central Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Investigating Students’ Perceptions of the Use of the iPad into the English Language Classroom

Valentina Morgana, Open University (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Effects of Integrating Diigo Social Bookmarking into Schoology Learning Management System on EFL Learners’ Autonomy and Use of Reading Strategies

Roya Khoii, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Newsha Ahmadi, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Maryam Gharib, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Teaching Students of Discourse Creation Peculiarities in a Foreign Language

Soldatova Lesia, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Teaching Practices Applied in Preparation for Teleconference Participation

Emilia Maternik, Institute of Linguistics Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań (Poland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Tasks for Building a Grammar E-book: an Application in the Albanian Context

Francesco Altimari, University of Calabria (Italy)
Eugenia Mascherpa, University of Calabria (Italy)
Michael Cronin, Università della Calabria (Italy)
Maria Caria, University of Calabria (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

PerLE: an E-Learning Solution for Languages in a Lifelong Learning Context- the Example of Apprendimento e ICT at Unical

Gabriela Lizeth Torres Flores, Università della Calabria (Italy)
Michael Cronin, Università della Calabria (Italy)
Angela Costabile, Università della Calabria (Italy)
Francesco Altimari, University of Calabria (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Disruptive Technologies in the Online Language Learning Environment

Andres Villagra, Pace University (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Blogging to Share, Exchange, and Collaborate

Amy Nocton, RHAM High School, Hebron, CT (American Council of Foreign Language Teachers [ACTFL]) Connecticut Council of Language Teachers (CT COLT) (United States)
Collette Bennett, Coordinator for Language Arts, Social Studies, Library Media, and Testing of West Haven, CT School (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Recognition and Validation of Language Skills

A Study of On-screen Academic Reading Strategies Among a Group of EFL/ESL Postgraduate Arab Learners in a British University

Hanadi Khadawardi, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Impact of the Digital Age on the Teaching and Learning of English and Communication Skills (Ecs): Exploratory Observations from a Nigerian University

Bolanle Akeredolu-Ale, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Remi Aduradola, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Bosede Sotiloye, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Helen Bodunde, Federal University of Agriculture (Nigeria)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Exploring the Possibilities of Teaching English through Community Radio in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Survey on “Radio Pollikontho-99.2FM”

Kazi Mafizur Rahaman, BRAC Institute of Languages (BIL), BRAC University (Bangladesh)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Let´s Move: Mobile Learning for Motivation in Language Acquisition

Mercedes Rico, Centro Universitario de Mérida University of Extremadura (Spain)
María José Naranjo, Centro Universitario de Mérida University of Extremadura (Spain)
Gemma Delicado, Teacher Training College University of Extremadura (Spain)
Noelia Fernández, Teacher Training College University of Extremadura (Spain)
Eva Domínguez, Facultad de Educación University of Extremadura (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Moodle? Poodll? Let’s have NOODLL- a New Optimized Open Distance Language Learning Model

Michael Li, Massey University (New Zealand)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Music and didactics: Der Erlkönig by Goethe

Lucia Giuliano, Università degli Studi di Macerata Università degli Studi del Molise (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

Language and Intercultural Education

Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems (Ireland)
Mayte Martín, ULS (Ireland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Digital Badges as an Organisational Principle of the Language Course

Pavel Brebera, University of Pardubice, Language Centre (Czech Republic)
Linda Pospisilova, University of Pardubice, Language Centre (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Digital Badges as an Organisational Principle of the Language Course

Pavel Brebera, University of Pardubice, Language Centre (Czech Republic)
Linda Pospisilova, University of Pardubice, Language Centre (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

eTwinning Project “Photography as a Pedagogical Tool”: a Teaching Approach to Create and Sustain Motivation

Maria Piedade Silva, Agrupamento de Escolas de Sátão CECC – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Computerised Summative Testing: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?

Richard Chapman, Università degli studi di Ferrara (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Minority Languages and New Technologies

Marie-Anne Châteaureynaud, Espe Université de Bordeaux (France)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Storytelling as a Pedagogical tool to Learn English Language in Higher Education: Using Reflection and Experience to Improve Learning

Barzan Hadi Hama Karim, University of Halabja (Iraq)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

A Corpus-based Approach to Content and Language Integrated Learning

Mona Arhire, Transilvania University Brașov/Romania (Romania)
Mihaela Gheorghe, Transilvania University Brașov/Romania (Romania)
Doru Tabală, Transilvania University Brașov/Romania (Romania)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Tasks for Building a Grammar E-book: an Application in the Albanian Context

Francesco Altimari, University of Calabria (Italy)
Eugenia Mascherpa, University of Calabria (Italy)
Michael Cronin, Università della Calabria (Italy)
Maria Caria, University of Calabria (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

On The Prevalence of Typical Syntactic Structure of L1 in an L2

Katharina Zipser, Universität Innsbruck (Austria)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning for Specific Purposes

How to Get There from Here? The Revitalization of the Lule Sami Language

Kevin Johansen, University of Nordland (Norway)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Blended Learning in Research Methodology Module in Tallinn Health Care College

Elle Sormus, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Kateriina Rannula, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Siret Piirsalu, Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Applications for Interactive and Engaging Classrooms: APPsolutely!

Ajda Osifo, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Amanda Radwan, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | The European Language Label for the promotion of quality in language learning

Multi-Disciplinary Language Education with Ict for Vocational Training

Maura Butler, Law Society of Ireland (Ireland)
Robert Lowney, Law Society of Ireland (Ireland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | The European Language Label for the promotion of quality in language learning

Multi-Disciplinary Language Education with Ict for Vocational Training

Maura Butler, Law Society of Ireland (Ireland)
Robert Lowney, Law Society of Ireland (Ireland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Application of Collaborative Learning Theory as a Learning Feature in iREAD UKM: a Conceptual Framework

Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM. (Malaysia)
Afendi Hamat, School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM (Malaysia)
Hazita Azman, School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM (Malaysia)
Noorizah Mohd Noor, School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM (Malaysia)
Ravichandran Vengadasamy, School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM (Malaysia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Applications for Interactive and Engaging Classrooms: APPsolutely!

Ajda Osifo, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Amanda Radwan, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Online Exchanges for Language Learning: a French-American Telecollaboration Project in a 3D Virtual World

Wenjun Tang, Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3 (France)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Contested e-literacies in Dutch as a Second language: Exploring the Interface between Policy and ICT Practice

Massimiliano Spotti, Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
Jeanne Kurvers, StudiesnTilburg University (The Netherlands)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Facebook of Education

Aysun Güneş, Anadolu University (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

L3-Task. A Case Study of Online Tandem Interaction Based on A2 to B1 Level (CEFR)

Claudia Grümpel, University of Alicante (Spain)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

INTACT Project: Bilingual Teaching Resources Tailored for Students’ Mobile Life

Isabel Chumbo, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Portugal (Portugal)
Annika Jokiaho, Ludwigsburg University of Education (Germany)
Birgit May, Ludwigsburg University of Education (Germany)
Vitor Gonçalves, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Broadening the Exposure of Engineering students to the HOTS

Muna Balfaqeeh, Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Asli Hassan, Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Teaching English with National Geographic Materials

Klara Synkova, Charles University (Czech Republic)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Click Here for L2 Learning!

Chesla Ann Bohinski, Binghamton University (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

The Evolution From “Ignorant American” To “American Polyglot”

Ryan McMunn, BRIC Language Systems, LLC (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning

Investigating the Use of Code Switching in CLIL

Laura Pirrung, Primary School St. Laurentius (Germany)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Teacher Training

Enhancing EFL Teacher Training through International Collaboration with the Use of Videoconferencing

Barbara Loranc-Paszylk, University of Bielsko-Biała (Poland)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Blended Tutorship Sessions as an Aid For Students in Risk of Failing their Last Opportunity English Exam

Ana Guadalupe Torres Hernández, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
José Banda Gómez, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Leticia Arciga Solorio, Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Development of Simultaneous Conversation Evaluation Program with Electronic Whiteboard in Public Elementary School English Activities in Japan

Kayoko Fukuchi, Kobe Kaisei College (Japan)
Naoshi Kanazawa, National Institute of Technology, Nara College (Japan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Instant Gratification : Using Google Form in Teaching of Expository Essay Writing to Meet the Needs of the 21st Century Learners

Rasidah Mohd Rasit, Tanjong Katong Secondary School (Singapore)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Designing a VLE for an Academic Reading Language Course

Nebojša Radić, Language Centre University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Lingua Franca @ e-learning: Contours of Contradictions in Multilingualism

On-Kwok Lai, Graduate School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Languages Learning Through Songs, Karaoke and Internet

Giampiero de Cristofaro, FENICE, Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l\'Europa (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Online Language Learning as a Solution for Endangered Languages: The Case of Western Armenian

Hasmik Khalapyan, AGBU Armenian Virtual College (Armenia)
Yervant Zorian, AGBU Armenian Virtual College (Armenia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

The Effect of Anxiety on the Attitudes of Iraqi Post Graduate Students towards EFL Writing in UKM

Ahmed Abdulateef Sabti, Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Effective Utilization of ICT in English language learning- The case of University of Botswana undergraduates

Ngozi Umunnakwe, University of Botswana, Department of English (Botswana)
Queen Sello, University of Botswana, Department of Computer Science (Botswana)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Effective Utilization of ICT in English language learning- The case of University of Botswana undergraduates

Ngozi Umunnakwe, University of Botswana, Department of English (Botswana)
Queen Sello, University of Botswana, Department of Computer Science (Botswana)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Teaching and Learning

Speaking through Reading in Class - The Way of ICT -

Naoshi Kanazawa, National Institute of Technology, Nara College (Japan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | E-learning Solutions for Language Teaching and Learning

Digital Museum of Greek Oral History: how Dialectal Speech Corpora Remain Vivid in Class

Marina Tzakosta, University of Crete (Greece)
Angelos Patsias, Primary School of Fourfouras (Greece)
Anna Sfakianaki, University of Iannina, University of Thessaloniki & 47th Primary School of Heraklion (Greece)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

"Mira, Mamá! Sin Manos!" Can Speech Recognition Tools Be Soundly Applied for L2 Speaking Practice?

Thomas Plagwitz, n/a (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

The Structure of Capacities for Foreign Language Learning

Oksana Shulga, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Creating Templates for Noticing Grammatical Systems

Subramaniam Govindasamy, International Islamic University (Malaysia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Moodle-based Distance Language Learning Strategies: An Evaluation of technology in language classroom

Rasool Najjar, Faculty Member, Olume Payeh University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Majeed Khabbaz, Assisstant Professor, Police University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

The Effect of Affix knowledge on English Vocabulary Learning

Mustafa Braiek, English Department, Faculty of Arts, Misurata University, Benghazi St., Miusurata, Libya, (Libya)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Is Facebook a Distraction or a Valuable Academic Tool? A Personal Reflection in Using Facebook in an Advanced English Academic classroom.

Dimitrios Boglou, Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Recognition and Validation of Language Skills

Nominalization in College English Writing

Chang Qing, School of Foreign Languages, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Studies in Second Language Acquisition

“I’m All Ears, Teacher” Different Learning Types and Student-Centered Classrooms

Betül Kabaca, Gebze Private Enka Technical and Vocational High School (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

E-magazines, the Art of English Learning

Shichao Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Harnessing Technology to Achieve Total Immersion in the Classroom

Jayne Ameri, Long Island School for the Gifted, South Huntington, New York (United States)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Language Learning for Specific Purposes

Collaborative, Digital Learning to Empower Students’ Academic Writing Skills

Christina Auer, Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut Styria/Graz (Austria)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Development of Simultaneous Conversation Evaluation Program with Electronic Whiteboard in Public Elementary School English Activities in Japan

Kayoko Fukuchi, Kobe Kaisei College (Japan)
Naoshi Kanazawa, National Institute of Technology, Nara College (Japan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICT Tools: a Shortcut between Cultures

Diana Carolina Vera Parra, Colegio Guillermo León Valencia (Colombia)
Diana Mayerly Díaz Benavides, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Colombia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Can MOOCS Be a New and Effective Instrument in Teaching Languages?

Tatiana Sidorenko, Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICT Tools: a Shortcut between Cultures

Diana Carolina Vera Parra, Colegio Guillermo León Valencia (Colombia)
Diana Mayerly Díaz Benavides, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Colombia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Strategic Language Learning: Doctoral NNS Students Write in an L2 with ICT Tools

Rigoberto Castillo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Doctorado en Educaión (Colombia)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICT in Language Teacher Education: The Role of Teacher Educators

Ahmet Başal, Yildiz Technical University İstanbul (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Language Cafés - Developing Conversational Language Skills in School

Anna Lagnevik, Fågelskolan (Sweden)
Lieselotte Wengberg, Fågelskolan (Sweden)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Using Web 2.0 Tools in English Language Teaching

Ahmet Başal, Yildiz Technical University İstanbul (Turkey)
Talat Aytan, Yildiz Technical University İstanbul (Turkey)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Using Competency Models in Second Language Acquisition: Interactive Technology in the EL Classroom

Maral Nurtazina, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan)
Maira Kadeyeva, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Multilingualism

Cross-Cultural Communicative Language Teaching: Educational Paradigm and Comparative Study

Maral Nurtazina, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan)
Kadisha Nurgali, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICoNLingua Learning Model into Practice: the Case of Ciência sem Fronteiras

Elisa Bianchi, Consorzio ICoN, Pisa (Italy)
Nadia Gatto, Consorzio ICoN Italian Culture on the Net (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

ICoNLingua Learning Model into Practice: the Case of Ciência sem Fronteiras

Elisa Bianchi, Consorzio ICoN, Pisa (Italy)
Nadia Gatto, Consorzio ICoN Italian Culture on the Net (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | Quality and Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

Language Cafés - Developing Conversational Language Skills in School

Anna Lagnevik, Fågelskolan (Sweden)
Lieselotte Wengberg, Fågelskolan (Sweden)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

CAMELOT - Using and Creating Machinima for Language Teaching

Christel Schneider, UCLan, UK (Germany)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Flipped classroom in the language education context: a case study

Tore Nilsson, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Resource Usage when Searching for information Online. Agency in the Foreign Language Classroom

Lisa Källermark Haya, Department for language teaching and learning (Sweden)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
Innovation in Language Learning | ICT Based Language Teaching and Learning Approaches

Languages in the Erasmus+ programme

Manola Peschieri, European Commission - Directorate-General for Education and Culture (Italy)
Publication date: 2014/11/14
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