A.D.E.P.T. - A Mnemonic Based Pedagogy for Experiential Learning
Vineet Raj Kapoor, Chitkara University (India)
I propose a new taxonomy, based on my more than 2 decades of engagement with Education both Formal as well as Informal (non certified). I had the advantage of being unaware of existing taxonomies and created my own for teaching my students. So the disadvantage of trying to have a fixed 6 levels, or having a linear approach was absent. Hence this can be treated as a fresh combinatorial look at Taxonomies. I capped the learning and assimilation stages with the last stage which is Experience. The entire learning is treated as wholesome and iterative. Most of the academics end up passing by Bloom’s Taxonomy, so I wondered whether my simplification could be useful. My confidence lay in regular results fetched by my model with my students. The ADEPT model also looks at balancing the above aspects so that no person is shallow by having focused too much on one aspect. So, it is proposed to have the learning divided into the five proposed zones, and allowing each zone to be a part of the evaluation, and doing away with the high dependence on evaluation of memory or rote power. I hope to do it before more students succumb to the hatred of the edu-cation system. Bloom is focused on going from simple to complex, whereas human learning may be about breakdown of complex to reach simple.
Keywords: bloom taxonomy, taxonomy, education, education system, design education.
[1] Syed Irfan Hyder; Problems with Bloom's Taxonomy: Impact on Curriculum and Motivation of Students
(November 13, 2013)
[2] Benjamin S Bloom Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, (The Classification of Educational Goals) Longman Green and Co (June 1, 1956)
[3] Lorin W. Anderson, David R. Krathwohl, Peter W. Airasian, Kathleen A. Cruik-shank, Richard E. Mayer, Paul R. Pintrich, James Raths, & Wittrock ; A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educa-tional Objectives, by, Pearson; Complete edition (December 29, 2000)
[4] Marzano, R. & Kendall; J. The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. (2006)
[5] Peter; Taxonomies of (Six) Educational Objectives
http://www.senseandsensation.com/2012/03/taxonomies-of-six-educational.html (March 20, 2012)